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swiftUI contextMenu 具有不需要的模糊背景

[英]swiftUI contextMenu has unwanted blurred background

I had a the following code using SwiftUI contextMenu.我使用 SwiftUI contextMenu 有以下代码。

ForEach(...) { ... in
     NavigationLink(destination: SomeView()) {
          HStack {
     .contextMenu(ContextMenu(menuItems: { Button(...) }

The expected behaviour is image below.预期的行为如下图所示。 在此处输入图像描述

But at 80% of the time, the contextMenu has an UNWANTED blurred background like below.但在 80% 的情况下,contextMenu 有一个不需要的模糊背景,如下所示。 As it has been applied a weird blurred effect on top of it.因为它在上面应用了一种奇怪的模糊效果。


Anyone knows what caused the issue?有谁知道是什么导致了这个问题?

The blur is because your button is highlighted.模糊是因为您的按钮被突出显示。 I'm facing a similar issue.我面临着类似的问题。

By the way, simply add this before .contextMenu { } to make it rounded顺便说一句,只需在.contextMenu { }之前添加它即可使其四舍五入

.contentShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: ...))

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