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如何将 Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile 与亚马逊放大服务集成?

[英]how to integrate Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile with Amazon amplify services?

I am raising this to just get inputs from community if there is any lib which I can use for integrating Amazon's amplify services in KMM?如果有任何库可用于将亚马逊的放大服务集成到 KMM 中,我提出这个只是为了从社区获得输入? Also I have searched but there is no specific SDK or lib for KMM as of now.我也搜索过,但到目前为止还没有特定的 SDK 或 KMM 库。 So any input would be helpful on this.因此,任何输入都会对此有所帮助。

The Amplify team is currently investing in Flutter as a multi-platform offering. Amplify 团队目前正在投资Flutter作为多平台产品。 Support for Flutter had been one of our top feature requests .对 Flutter 的支持是我们最重要的功能要求之一。 Amplify Flutter became generally available as of February 15th, 2021 . Amplify Flutter 于2021 年 2 月 15 日正式上市。 Amplify Flutter currently supports iOS & Android.放大 Flutter 目前支持 iOS & Android。 Customers have additionally expressed interest for Flutter on the Web and on the Desktop .客户还对 Web台式机上的 Flutter 表示了兴趣。

We don't currently have any plans to support Kotlin Multiplatform (or Multiplatform Mobile .) That said, we are an open source project, and love to see community contributions.我们目前没有任何计划支持Kotlin Multiplatform (或 Multiplatform Mobile )。也就是说,我们是一个开源项目,并且乐于看到社区贡献。 You could build something on your own.你可以自己构建一些东西。

To do so, I'd start by defining a Kotlin-language API surface for the library.为此,我首先为库定义一个 Kotlin 语言 API 表面。 You can probably use the Kotlin-language facade for the Android library as a starting point.您可能可以使用Android 库的 Kotlin 语言外观作为起点。 From there, you can add platform bindings to Amplify Android, iOS, and JavaScript.从那里,您可以将平台绑定添加到 Amplify Android、iOS 和 JavaScript。

As a final note: the Amplify products are intended as a front-end framework .最后一点:Amplify 产品旨在用作前端框架 Therefore, it's unlikely that we we'll ever prioritize a full multi-platform build.因此,我们不太可能优先考虑完整的多平台构建。 But if we see enough customer demand, we could potentially add more explicit support for Multiplatform Mobile.但如果我们看到足够多的客户需求,我们可能会为 Multiplatform Mobile 添加更明确的支持。

Source: I am an engineer on the Amplify team.资料来源:我是 Amplify 团队的工程师。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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