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React native:如何将 class 组件代码转换为带有钩子的 function 组件?

[英]React native : How can I turn the class component code into a function component with hooks?

How can I turn the following code into a function component with hooks?如何将以下代码转换为带有钩子的 function 组件? In my example I use a class component And I want to change the code to a function component form在我的示例中,我使用 class 组件并且我想将代码更改为 function 组件形式

export default class Modal2 extends Component {
  state = {
    placeName: "",
    errorMsg: null

placeNameChangedHandler = val => {
      placeName: val,
      errorMsg: null

onConfirm = () => {
    const { placeName } = this.state;
    const { onConfirm, onHideModal } = this.props;
    if (placeName.trim().length > 5) {
      onConfirm("Cancel", placeName);
      this.setState({ placeName: "", errorMsg: null })
    } else {
      this.setState({ errorMsg: "must 5 letters" });

That's how it should look after converting it.这就是转换后的样子。

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function Modal2(props) {
 const [desiredStateName, setDesiredStateName] = useState({
    placeName: "",
    errorMsg: null

placeNameChangedHandler = val => {
      placeName: val,
      errorMsg: null

onConfirm = () => {
    const { placeName } = desiredStateName.placeName;
    const { onConfirm, onHideModal } = props;
    if (placeName.trim().length > 5) {
      onConfirm("Cancel", placeName);
      setDesiredStateName({ placeName: "", errorMsg: null })
    } else {
        return{ ...prevState,errorMsg: "must 5 letters" }
export default Modal2;

Also, a quick guide of how you are able to do it by yourself此外,快速指南,您如何能够自己做到这一点

Have a try by replacing your code with the below code:尝试用以下代码替换您的代码:

import React, { useState } from 'react';

export default Modal2 = props => {

    const [placeName, setPlaceName] = useState("")
    const [errorMsg, setErrorMsg] = useState(null)

    placeNameChangedHandler = val => {

    onConfirm = () => {
        const { onConfirm, onHideModal } = props;
        if (placeName.trim().length > 5) {
            onConfirm("Cancel", placeName);
        } else {
            setErrorMsg("must 5 letters")

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