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Linkerd 代理指标重置

[英]Linkerd proxies metrics reset

Good evening,晚上好,

I'm a student from the university of Rome Tor Vergata.我是罗马 Tor Vergata 大学的学生。 I'm currently working on my master thesis that involves the use of Linkerd.我目前正在研究涉及 Linkerd 使用的硕士论文。 Very briefly the thesis is about implementing a totally distributed root cause localization system for microservices architectures.简而言之,这篇论文是关于为微服务架构实现一个完全分布式的根本原因定位系统。 In the metrics collection phase I'm facing an issue with Linkerd since I'm not using Prometheus, but manually scraping metrics from proxies through the /metrics endpoint.在指标收集阶段,我遇到了 Linkerd 的问题,因为我没有使用 Prometheus,而是通过 /metrics 端点手动从代理中抓取指标。 I can't understand how or when do Linkerd's proxies reset the various metrics they collect.我不明白 Linkerd 的代理如何或何时重置他们收集的各种指标。 Does anybody know if they have a timer?有人知道他们是否有计时器吗? Or is there a way to make them reset metrics after the scraping?或者有没有办法让他们在抓取后重置指标?

Thanks in advance for any help anyone will give me.提前感谢任何人给我的帮助。

The metrics are stored in memory by the Linkerd proxy as soon as the proxy process starts running.一旦代理进程开始运行,指标就会被 Linkerd 代理存储在 memory 中。

Most of the metrics are buckets for histograms whose main purpose is to view the data over time, so there isn't a way to reset them and they don't reset themselves.大多数指标都是直方图的桶,其主要目的是查看一段时间内的数据,因此没有办法重置它们,它们也不会自行重置。

You could write prometheus queries to select windows of time where you would reset the metrics or you could restart the containers and write queries to filter the metrics on the newer workloads.您可以将普罗米修斯查询写入 select windows 的时间,您可以在其中重置指标,或者您可以重新启动容器并编写查询以过滤较新工作负载的指标。

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