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[英]dealing with variants containing move-only types

Consider the following code:考虑以下代码:

#include <iostream>
#include <variant>
#include <memory>

template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...)->overloaded<Ts...>;

struct foo {
    int f;
    foo(int n) : f(n) {}

struct bar {
    std::string b;

using unflattened_variant = std::variant<int, std::string, std::unique_ptr<foo>, std::unique_ptr<bar>>;
using flattened_variant = std::variant<int, std::string, foo, bar>;

flattened_variant flatten(const unflattened_variant& v) {
    return std::visit(
            [](int v) -> flattened_variant {
                return v;
            [](const std::string& s) -> flattened_variant {
                return s;
            [](const std::unique_ptr<foo>& f) -> flattened_variant {
                return *f;
            [](const std::unique_ptr<bar>& b) ->  flattened_variant {
                return *b;

int main()
    unflattened_variant uv{ std::make_unique<foo>(42) };
    auto fv = flatten(uv);
    std::cout << std::get<foo>(fv).f << "\n";

This is a toy example that illustrates a situation I am running into in real code.这是一个玩具示例,说明了我在真实代码中遇到的情况。 I want to simplify the implementation of flatten(...) such that it is less verbose when there are more types in the variant.我想简化flatten(...)的实现,以便在变体中有更多类型时它不那么冗长。

Basically the situation is, I have a variant that contains some simple types and some move-only types that I would like to do something with.基本上情况是,我有一个变体,其中包含一些简单的类型和一些我想做的事情。 The operation that I need to perform is the same for all simple types and the same for all the move-only types;我需要执行的操作对于所有简单类型和所有仅移动类型都相同; however, I can't think of a way of dealing with the two cases (simple or move-only) using only two visiting functions.但是,我想不出只使用两个访问函数来处理这两种情况(简单或仅移动)的方法。 eg this is illegal C++ but illustrates what I want to do例如这是非法的 C++ 但说明了我想要做什么

flattened_variant flatten(const unflattened_variant& v) {
    return std::visit(
            [](const std::unique_ptr<auto>& u_ptr) -> flattened_variant {
                return *u_ptr;
            [](auto simple_value) ->  flattened_variant {
                return simple_value;

I have dealt with situations like this in the past by using a custom variant cast, similar to the one implemented here , to cast to a variant containing just those types that need to be handled the same and then using a lambda taking an auto parameter as the visitor;过去我通过使用自定义变体转换( 类似于此处实现的转换)来处理此类情况,将其转换为仅包含需要处理相同类型的变体,然后使用 lambda 将 auto 参数作为访客; however, such a cast would not work in this case because you can't copy unique_ptrs and you can't make a variant containing references.但是,这种转换在这种情况下不起作用,因为您不能复制 unique_ptrs 并且不能制作包含引用的变体。 I suppose I could write a function that will cast to a variant of pointers but am wondering if there is an easier way.我想我可以写一个 function 将转换为指针的变体,但我想知道是否有更简单的方法。

template<template<class...>class, class> struct is_instance_of:std::false_type{};
template<template<class...>class Z, class...Ts> struct is_instance_of<Z,Z<Ts...>>:std::true_type{};

template<template<class...>class Z, class T>
constexpr bool is_instance_of_v=is_instance_of<Z,T>::value;

flattened_variant flatten(unflattened_variant const& v) {
  return std::visit([](auto const& e)->flattened_variant{
    using T = std::decay_t<decltype(e)>;
    if constexpr (is_instance_of_v<std::unique_ptr, T>){
      return *e;
      return e;
  }, v);

we add a trait to dispatch on, then use if constexpr to have 2 function bodies.我们添加一个特征来调度,然后使用 if constexpr 来拥有 2 个 function 主体。

In we have lots more options.中,我们有更多的选择。

[]<class T>(T const& e)->flattened_variant{
  if constexpr (is_instance_of_v<std::unique_ptr, T>){

Then, going back to overloading solution, we have:然后,回到重载解决方案,我们有:

[]<class T>(std::unique_ptr<T> const&)


template<class T, template<class...>class Z>
concept instance_of=is_instance_of<Z,T>::value;


[](instance_of<std::unique_ptr> auto const& e)


[]<<instance_of<std::unique_ptr> T>(T const& e)

Prior to in we can use a dispatch helper:中的之前,我们可以使用调度助手:

template<class T0, class T1>
constexpr T0&& constexpr_branch( std::true_type, T0&& t0, T1&& ) { return std::forward<T0>(t0); }
template<class T0, class T1>
constexpr T1&& constexpr_branch( std::false_type, T0&&, T1&& t1 ) { return std::forward<T1>(t1); }

flattened_variant flatten(unflattened_variant const& v) {
  return std::visit([](auto const& e)->flattened_variant{
    using T = std::decay_t<decltype(e)>;
    return constexpr_branch(
      is_instance_of<std::unique_ptr, T>, 
      [](auto const& e){return *e;},
      [](auto const& e){return e;}
  }, v);

going back to (where did you get your variant?), you could make an external class:回到 (你从哪里得到你的变体?),你可以制作一个外部 class:

template<class R>
struct flatten {
  template<class T>
  R operator()(std::unique_ptr<T> const& p)const{
    return *p;
  template<class T>
  R operator()(T const& v)const{
    return v;

then just do a然后做一个

return std::visit( flatten<flattened_variant>{}, v );

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