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(VueJS, Axios) 捕获错误的不同方法

[英](VueJS, Axios) Different way to catch errors

I'm currently building a single page application based on Laravel and VueJS.我目前正在构建一个基于 Laravel 和 VueJS 的单页应用程序。
Is there any better way then mine to handle errors with axios?有没有比我更好的方法来处理 axios 的错误?

This is how I currently do it when a user clicks on login button:当用户单击登录按钮时,我目前是这样做的:

VueTemplae: VueTemplae:

methods : {
    authenticateUser() {
        axios.post('/api/login', this.form).then(() => {
            this.$router.push({name : 'home'});
        }).catch((error) => {
            this.error = error.response.data.message;

Api route: Api路线:

public function login() {
    try {
        // do validation
    } catch(Exception) {
        // validation failed
        throw new Exception('login.failed');

    // manually authentication
    if(Auth::attempt(request()->only('email', 'password'))) {
        return response()->json(Auth::user(), 200);

    // something else went wrong
    throw new Exception('login.failed');

Unfortunately, throwing an exception always prints an internal server error into the console.不幸的是,抛出异常总是会将内部服务器错误打印到控制台中。
If I return something else than an exception, axios always executes then() .如果我返回除异常以外的其他内容,则 axios 始终执行then()
Is there any way to prevent this or a better way to handle axios responses?有什么方法可以防止这种情况或更好的方法来处理 axios 响应?

Thank you!谢谢!

Your API needs to return a response with a 4XX status code in order for the catch block to fire in your Vue component.您的 API 需要返回带有 4XX 状态代码的响应,以便在您的 Vue 组件中触发 catch 块。

Example: After you catch the error on the API side, send a response with status code 400 Bad Request .示例:在 API 端捕获错误后,发送状态码400 Bad Request的响应。 It will be formatted similarly to your successful login response, but with an error message and 400 status code instead of 200.它的格式将与您成功的登录响应类似,但带有错误消息和 400 状态代码而不是 200。

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