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如何将 dms 发送给特定的人。Discord.py

[英]How do I send dms to a specific person.Discord.py

When my bot comes online I want it to dm me but it wont work.当我的机器人上线时,我希望它给我发消息,但它不起作用。 Heres the code.这是代码。

async def on_ready():
    user = client.get_user(id)
    await user.send('bot online')

It says nonetype has no attribute send它说nonetype has no attribute send

async def on_ready():
    channel = await member.create_dm()
    await channel.send("Bot is Online")

You have to make a dm through a channel not through a user您必须通过渠道而不是通过用户进行 dm

You can use get_member command to do this.您可以使用get_member命令来执行此操作。 If you want the bot to DM you specifically, you need to know your user ID, then inser it to a variable.如果您希望机器人专门向您发送消息,您需要知道您的用户 ID,然后将其插入到变量中。 Here is how you can define a simple command to DM someone ( for example you ) on bot startup:以下是如何在机器人启动时定义一个简单的命令来 DM 某人(例如你):

async def on_ready():
    yourID = # Enter your ID here...
    discordUser = client.get_user(yourID)

    await discordUser.send('Bot online.')

Just in case you're not sure about how to get your ID, you can check out how to get an ID .万一您不确定如何获取 ID,您可以查看如何获取 ID

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