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使用 C++ 执行命令并捕获 output 和状态

[英]Execute a command with C++ and capture the output and the status

How can I execute a system command with C++ and capture its output and the status.如何使用 C++ 执行系统命令并捕获其 output 和状态。 It should look something like this:它应该看起来像这样:

Response launch(std::string command);

int main()
    auto response = launch("pkg-config --cflags spdlog");
    std::cout << "status: " << response.get_status() << '\n'; // -> "status: 0"
    std::cout << "output: " << response.get_output() << '\n'; // -> "output: -DSPDLOG_SHARED_LIB -DSPDLOG_COMPILED_LIB -DSPDLOG_FMT_EXTERNAL"

Using std::system you can only get status.使用std::system你只能获得状态。 I also tried this solution but it only captures the output and it seems to be very "hacky" and not safe.我也尝试了这个解决方案,但它只捕获 output 并且它似乎非常“hacky”并且不安全。 There must be a better way to do it but I haven't found one yet.必须有更好的方法来做到这一点,但我还没有找到。 If there isn't a simple and portable solution, I would also use a library.如果没有简单且可移植的解决方案,我也会使用库。

I found a way with redirecting the output to a file and reading from it:我找到了一种将 output 重定向到文件并从中读取的方法:

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>

struct response
    int status = -1;
    std::string output;

response launch(std::string command)
    // set up file redirection
    std::filesystem::path redirection = std::filesystem::absolute(".output.temp");
    command.append(" &> \"" + redirection.string() + "\"");

    // execute command
    auto status = std::system(command.c_str());

    // read redirection file and remove the file
    std::ifstream output_file(redirection);
    std::string output((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(output_file)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>());

    return response{status, output};

Still seems a bit "hacky" but it works.仍然看起来有点“hacky”,但它确实有效。 I would love to see a better way without creating and removing files.我很想看到一种更好的方法,而无需创建和删除文件。

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