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将 uint32 拆分为两个 uint16

[英]Split uint32 into two uint16

How does one go about splitting a single uint32 var in Go into two uint16 vars, representing the 16 MSB and 16 LSB respectively? go 如何将 Go 中的单个 uint32 变量拆分为两个 uint16 变量,分别代表 16 位 MSB 和 16 位 LSB?

Here is a representation of what I am trying to do:这是我正在尝试做的事情的表示:

var number uint32
var a uint16
var b uint16

number = 4206942069

Now how would one go about assigning the 16 MSB in number into a and the 16 LSB into b ?现在 go 如何将 16 MSB numbera并将 16 LSB 分配给b

Use the following code to assign the 16 most significant bits in number to a and the 16 least significant bits to b :使用以下代码将数字中的 16 个最高有效位numbera ,将 16 个最低有效位分配给b

a, b := uint16(number>>16), uint16(number)

Run it on the playground .在操场上运行它

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