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[英]Batch Logging New Line

Pretty simple problem which I am sure the solution is easy, but I simply cannot find the solution anywhere.非常简单的问题,我相信解决方案很容易,但我根本无法在任何地方找到解决方案。 Please forgive my limited understanding of batch, I am a unix person.请原谅我对batch的理解有限,我是unix的人。

I have a for loop in batch which runs a script on the contents of a user-defined folder.我有一个批量循环for它在用户定义的文件夹的内容上运行脚本。 If an error occurs, the script will output a message to the command prompt.如果发生错误,脚本将 output 一条消息发送到命令提示符。 I am logging these messages by我正在记录这些消息

"%UserProfile%\Documents\Fooster\Logs\failed_log.txt" 2>&1  (
for /f %%f in ('dir /s/b %arg1%') do call R-Portable\App\R-Portable\bin\Rscript.exe Scripts\fooster_io.R %%f %arg2% 

Now, this logs just fine, but each message is concatenated to the next without a line break.现在,这个记录很好,但是每条消息都连接到下一条消息而没有换行符。 How would I insert a line break such that each message gets its own line?我将如何插入换行符以使每条消息都有自己的行?

I have tried:我试过了:

"%UserProfile%\Documents\Fooster\Logs\failed_log.txt" 2>&1/n
"%UserProfile%\Documents\Fooster\Logs\failed_log.txt" 2>&1 /n
"%UserProfile%\Documents\Fooster\Logs\failed_log.txt" 2>&1 echo.
"%UserProfile%\Documents\Fooster\Logs\failed_log.txt" echo. 2>&1

All do not produce the desired results.所有这些都不会产生预期的结果。 Any ideas?有任何想法吗?

It seems, that your fooster_io.R doesn't add newlines by itself.看来,您的fooster_io.R本身并没有添加换行符。
But you can place the "newline" into the for-loop.但是您可以将“换行符”放入 for 循环中。

"%UserProfile%\Documents\Fooster\Logs\failed_log.txt" 2>&1  (
  for /f %%f in ('dir /s/b %arg1%') do (
    R-Portable\App\R-Portable\bin\Rscript.exe Scripts\fooster_io.R %%f %arg2% 

I'm using echo( instead of echo. , because it's much faster and it doesn't fail.我正在使用echo(而不是echo. ,因为它更快而且不会失败。

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