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为什么我的 Google Optimize 实验没有明确的赢家

[英]Why does my Google Optimize experiment show no clear winner


I did a very simple text, the footer contact form on the left of the website or the right of the website.我做了一个非常简单的文字,网站左侧或网站右侧的页脚联系表。 The results showed "no clear winner".结果显示“没有明显的赢家”。 But the below data shows that one has 5 conversions vs 1, which I consider to be significant (albeit low numbers).但下面的数据显示,一个有 5 次转化,而我认为这是 1 次转化(尽管数字很低)。 It also says there is a 95% probability that this one will be better.它还说这个有 95% 的可能性会更好。

What am I not understanding about this data?我对这些数据有什么不明白的地方? Is it that the numbers are too low in volume to give a reading or is it a bug or is there something I've missed?是数字太低而无法阅读,还是错误或我错过了什么?

Its probably because your AB Test did not have a lot of traffic, in each variant.这可能是因为您的 AB 测试在每个变体中都没有很多流量。 So 5 conversions vs 1, is not really a big difference between the two.所以 5 次转换与 1 次转换,两者之间并没有太大的区别。

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