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我怎样才能更好地完成这个 powershell 脚本?

[英]How I can do this powershell script better?

When I move FenrirFS profile to another, paths in directories become wrong.当我将 FenrirFS 配置文件移动到另一个配置文件时,目录中的路径会出错。 So I decided to make a ps script to resolve it.所以我决定制作一个ps脚本来解决它。

$wdir = "files"       # constant part of path
$path = $PSScriptRoot # path to script
$pfix = "Target="     # prefix of path

$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter *.alias | Where { ! $_.PSIsContainer } | Select -Expand Name

foreach ($file in $files) 
    $filec = Get-Content $file
    $nlin = 0         # counter of line

    foreach ($line in $filec) 
            $nline = $pfix + $path + '\' + $wdir + ($line -split $wdir)[1]
            $filec[$nlin] = $filec[$nlin].replace($line,$nline)
            $filec | Set-Content $file

It's work, but I have a lot of files, which I should replace.这是工作,但我有很多文件,我应该替换。 And $filec | Set-Content $file$filec | Set-Content $file $filec | Set-Content $file a little bit dumby, cuz I need to replace only one line. $filec | Set-Content $file有点笨,因为我只需要替换一行。 Example of file:文件示例:


ps script is located in the directory with aliases. ps 脚本位于具有别名的目录中。

ps powershell 5.1 ps powershell 5.1

You could use the much faster switch for that:您可以为此使用更快的switch

$wdir = "files"       # constant part of path
$path = $PSScriptRoot # path to script
$pfix = "Target="     # prefix of path

$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Filter '*.alias' -File | ForEach-Object {
    $content = switch -Regex -File $_.FullName {
        "^$pfix"  { 
            $oldPath = ($_ -split '=', 2)[-1].Trim()
            $childPath = Join-Path -Path $wdir -ChildPath ($oldPath -split $wdir, 2)[-1] 
            # output the new path
            "$pfix{0}" -f (Join-Path -Path $path -ChildPath $childPath)
        default { $_ }
    $content | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Force

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