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Haskell 木薯(Data.Csv):忽略缺少的列/字段

[英]Haskell cassava (Data.Csv): Ignore missing columns/fields

How can I set up cassava to ignore missing columns/fields and fill the respective data type with a default value?如何设置木薯以忽略缺失的列/字段并使用默认值填充相应的数据类型? Consider this example:考虑这个例子:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import           Data.Csv
import           Data.Vector
import           GHC.Generics

data Foo = Foo { 
      a :: String
    , b :: Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromNamedRecord Foo

decodeAndPrint :: ByteString -> IO ()
decodeAndPrint csv = do
    print $ (decodeByName csv :: Either String (Header, Vector Foo))

main :: IO ()
main = do
    decodeAndPrint "a,b,ignore\nhu,1,pu"  -- [1]
    decodeAndPrint "ignore,b,a\npu,1,hu"  -- [2]
    decodeAndPrint "ignore,b\npu,1"     -- [3]

[1] and [2] work perfectly fine, but [3] fails with [1][2]工作得很好,但[3]失败了

Left "parse error (Failed reading: conversion error: no field named \"a\") at \"\""

How could I make decodeAndPrint capable of handling this incomplete input?我怎样才能让decodeAndPrint能够处理这个不完整的输入?

I could of course manipulate the input bytestring, but maybe there is a more elegant solution.我当然可以操纵输入字节串,但也许有更优雅的解决方案。

A Solution thanks to the input of Daniel Wagner below:感谢以下 Daniel Wagner 输入的解决方案

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import           Control.Applicative
import           Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import           Data.Csv
import           Data.Vector
import           GHC.Generics

data Foo = Foo { 
      a :: Maybe String
    , b :: Maybe Int
    } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance FromNamedRecord Foo where
    parseNamedRecord rec = pure Foo
        <*> ((Just <$> Data.Csv.lookup rec "a") <|> pure Nothing)
        <*> ((Just <$> Data.Csv.lookup rec "b") <|> pure Nothing)

decodeAndPrint :: ByteString -> IO ()
decodeAndPrint csv = do
    print $ (decodeByName csv :: Either String (Header, Vector Foo))

main :: IO ()
main = do
    decodeAndPrint "a,b,ignore\nhu,1,pu"  -- [1]
    decodeAndPrint "ignore,b,a\npu,1,hu"  -- [2]
    decodeAndPrint "ignore,b\npu,1"       -- [3]

(Warning: completely untested, Code is for idea transmission only, not suitable for any use. etc. etc.) (警告:完全未经测试,代码仅用于思想传播,不适合任何用途。等等等等)

The Parser type demanded by FromNamedRecord is an Alternative , so just toss a default on with (<|>) . FromNamedRecord要求的Parser类型是Alternative ,因此只需使用(<|>)设置默认值。

instance FromNamedRecord Foo where
    parseNamedRecord rec = pure Foo
        <*> (lookup rec "a" <|> pure "missing")
        <*> (lookup rec "b" <|> pure 0)

If you want to know later whether the field was there or not, make your fields rich enough to record that:如果您想稍后知道该字段是否存在,请使您的字段足够丰富以记录:

data RichFoo = RichFoo
    { a :: Maybe String
    , b :: Maybe Int

instance FromNamedRecord Foo where
    parseNamedRecord rec = pure RichFoo
        <*> ((Just <$> lookup rec "a") <|> pure Nothing)
        <*> ((Just <$> lookup rec "b") <|> pure Nothing)

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