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如何在 HTML Canvas 圆中居中图像?

[英]How to center an image in a HTML Canvas Circle?

I am very new to the canvas so I have very little idea how it works.我对 canvas 非常陌生,所以我对它的工作原理知之甚少。 This is the code for the circle that I have drawn in the middle of the screen.这是我在屏幕中间绘制的圆圈的代码。

      ctx.arc(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

      ctx.strokeStyle = "#2465D3";

      ctx.drawImage(imageFile, 200, 200, 500, 500);

I want to show a picture inside of the circle.我想在圆圈内显示一张图片。 The picture shows up in the circle in the wrong position with this code.图片显示在带有此代码的错误 position 的圆圈中。 I want the picture to be in the center of the circle like:我希望图片位于圆圈的中心,例如:


According to the syntax of drawImage() , I need dx and dy in this ctx.drawImage(image, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight) to position the image correctly on the canvas (at the center of the circle).根据drawImage()的语法,我需要ctx.drawImage(image, dx, dy, dWidth, dHeight)中的dxdy到 position 正确地在 canvas 上的图像(在圆的中心)。

Is there anything I can do to put the picture in the center of the circle without doing all sorts of Pythagoras calculations?我有什么办法可以在不进行各种毕达哥拉斯计算的情况下将图片放在圆的中心?

Why I am doing it this way?为什么我要这样做?

I cannot find one good coordinate for the picture and move on because the radius of the circle is not constant so that would not work.我找不到合适的图片坐标并继续前进,因为圆的半径不是恒定的,因此无法正常工作。 I would need to find the appropriate coordinate for the picture every time the radius of the circle changes to keep the picture in the middle of the circle.每次圆的半径发生变化时,我都需要为图片找到合适的坐标,以使图片保持在圆的中间。

My thought process was to find the corner coordinate of the square that the circle would make like in this picture我的思考过程是找到圆在这张图片中所形成的正方形的角坐标


then to measure the distance between that point and the width of the canvas.然后测量该点与 canvas 宽度之间的距离。

I think there must be a better way to do this.我认为必须有更好的方法来做到这一点。 Is there a better way to do this?有一个更好的方法吗? I am using this in a React App.我在 React 应用程序中使用它。

Your imagem must have the x and y position equals circle.您的图像必须具有 x 和 y position 等于圆形。 The height and width imagem must have 2r. imagem 的高度和宽度必须为 2r。

x = canvas.width / 2;
y = canvas.height / 2
ctx.arc(x,y, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);

ctx.strokeStyle = "#2465D3";

ctx.drawImage(imageFile, x, y, 2 * radius, 2 * radius);


Here canvas.width / 2 and canvas.height/ 2 are the coordinates for the center of the circle.这里canvas.width / 2canvas.height/ 2是圆心的坐标。

        canvas.width / 2,
        canvas.height / 2,
        radius * 2,
        radius * 2

Only passing the above code puts the top left corner of the image to the center of the circle like this:只有通过上面的代码才能将图像的左上角放置到圆的中心,如下所示:


Subtracting the radius from the x and y coordinates puts that top left corner of the image in the top left corner of the square that the circle will create.xy坐标中减去半径,将图像的左上角放在圆将创建的正方形的左上角。 That would put the image in the right position if the image is a square.如果图像是正方形,这会将图像放在右侧 position 中。


This is the solution这是解决方案

        canvas.width / 2 - radius,
        canvas.height / 2 - radius,
        radius * 2,
        radius * 2

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