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如何阻止我的机器人响应 @everyone ping,但同时响应 discord.py 中的 @Bot ping?

[英]How do I stop my bot from responding to @everyone pings but also respond to @Bot pings in discord.py?

I have a bot that responds when I ping it by tagging its ID but it also responds to @everyone pings.我有一个机器人,当我通过标记其 ID 对其进行 ping 操作时会做出响应,但它也会响应 @everyone pings。 How do I filter those out?我如何过滤掉那些? I've tried using an if statement to filter out @everyone and the ID of @everyone but then the bot doesn't respond to normal pings.我尝试使用 if 语句过滤掉 @everyone 和 @everyone 的 ID,但是机器人不会响应正常的 ping。 Here's the current code:这是当前代码:

async def on_ping(message):
  if bot.user.mentioned_in(message):
    if "<@747577395086884998>" in message.content:
      channel = message.channel
      file = discord.File("logo.png", filename="image.png")
      embed.set_author(name="Fallen Bot", icon_url="attachment://image.png")
      embed.add_field(name="Hi! I'm Fallen Bot!", value=f"My prefix is, `{bot.command_prefix}` and you can use `{bot.command_prefix}help` for help!", inline=False)
      await channel.send(file=file, embed=embed)

I'm using the commands extension from the rewrite.我正在使用重写中的命令扩展名。 The first block of the code is the filter for @everyone and the second part, below the else statement is the response to a ping.代码的第一块是@everyone 的过滤器,第二部分在else语句下面是对 ping 的响应。

You can use the message.mention_everyone attribute to filter out @everyone and @here-pings like so:您可以使用message.mention_everyone属性过滤掉@everyone 和@here-pings,如下所示:

async def on_ping(message):
    if message.mention_everyone:
        # this is a real ping, do your thing

Just check if the bot was mentioned in the message, instead of check if it wasn't an everyone ping只需检查消息中是否提到了该机器人,而不是检查它是否不是所有人 ping

if "<!@100>" in message.content: # 100 is the bots id, change it to yours
    # handle the ping here

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