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如何让机器人在将其引导到 MS Teams 时接收附件

[英]How to make a bot receive attachments when channeling it to MS Teams

I made a normal bot by using Microsoft Bot Framework and have deployed it to the Azure portal.我使用 Microsoft Bot Framework 制作了一个普通机器人,并将其部署到 Azure 门户。 I tried to channel the bot to Teams, which worked but the bot couldn't receive attachments.我尝试将机器人引导至 Teams,但该机器人无法接收附件。 How can I make it do so?我怎样才能做到这一点?


Microsoft Teams does not allow attachments by default.默认情况下,Microsoft Teams 不允许附件。 To send and receive files in the bot in teams, set the supportsFiles property in the manifest to true or else create an app for your bot in App studio.要在团队中的 bot 中发送和接收文件,请将 manifest 中的 supportsFiles 属性设置为 true,或者在 App studio 中为您的 bot 创建一个应用程序。 Specify your app allows upload attachments.指定您的应用允许上传附件。 And install it in your own Team account for testing.并将其安装在您自己的团队帐户中进行测试。 Please look at this sample code for reference.请查看此示例代码以供参考。

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