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在 wordpress 页面模板内访问 Vue 应用程序中的字体资源

[英]Access to font assets in Vue app inside a wordpress page template

I try not to post a question unless I really can't find an answer, but I am afraid that is the case now.除非我真的找不到答案,否则我尽量不发布问题,但恐怕现在就是这种情况。

I am running a project where a Vue app is deployed within a page of a wordpress site.我正在运行一个项目,其中 Vue 应用程序部署在 wordpress 站点的页面中。 So far so good, integration has been somewhat complicated but it is now.到目前为止一切顺利,集成有点复杂,但现在是。

The app is embedded with enqueued script and styles:该应用程序嵌入了排队脚本和 styles:

 wp_enqueue_script('portal', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/myapp/dist/app.js', [], false, true);

I can solve the access to the app assets from javascript by making the wordpress theme directory available:我可以通过使 wordpress 主题目录可用来解决从 javascript 访问应用程序资产的问题:

$script_data = [
  'image_path' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/myapp/dist/img/',
  'myapp' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri()

That took me some time to find out, so I hope it helps someone.我花了一些时间才知道,所以我希望它对某人有所帮助。

I am stuck though at trying to load some fonts.我在尝试加载一些 fonts 时被卡住了。 I have those fonts imported to the scss like this:我将那些 fonts 导入到 scss,如下所示:

@font-face {
 font-family: 'icomoon';
 src: url('~@/assets/fonts/icomoon.eot?ddstsa');
 src: url('~@/assets/fonts/icomoon.eot?ddstsa#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
   url('~@/assets/fonts/icomoon.ttf?ddstsa') format('truetype'),
   url('~@/assets/fonts/icomoon.woff?ddstsa') format('woff'),
   url('~@/assets/fonts/icomoon.svg?ddstsa#icomoon') format('svg');
 font-weight: normal;
 font-style: normal;
 font-display: block;

That way it my Vue app compiles, no problem, and if I run the app "stand-alone", not embedded in the wordpress page, it would find the fonts.这样我的 Vue 应用程序就可以编译,没问题,如果我“独立”运行应用程序,而不是嵌入 wordpress 页面,它会找到 fonts。 However within the wp page, it searches for the fonts in the folder /fonts/ but it should instead go to /wp-content/themes/mytheme/myapp/dist/fonts...但是在 wp 页面中,它在文件夹 /fonts/ 中搜索 fonts 但它应该改为 go 到 /wp-content/themes/mytheme/myapp/dist/fonts...

¿How can I make it use a different path for assets when deployed into wordpress? ¿ 在部署到 wordpress 时,如何使其对资产使用不同的路径

Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Well, I think I found an answer to my question or at least a workaround that worked for me so I thought of sharing it in case someone gets stuck at the same step as I did.好吧,我想我找到了我的问题的答案,或者至少找到了一个对我有用的解决方法,所以我想分享它,以防有人和我一样陷入困境。

What I did was to:我所做的是:

  • Put the fonts into the 'public/fonts' folder in my app folder structure.将 fonts 放入我的应用程序文件夹结构中的“public/fonts”文件夹中。 All assets within public folder are directly copied to the dist folder on build. public 文件夹中的所有资产在构建时直接复制到 dist 文件夹。

  • Create a icomoon.css file, also in public/css folder with the imports:创建一个 icomoon.css 文件,也在 public/css 文件夹中导入:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'icomoon';
  src: url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?txvsxz');
  src: url('../fonts/icomoon.eot?txvsxz#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../fonts/icomoon.ttf?txvsxz') format('truetype'), url('../fonts/icomoon.woff?txvsxz') format('woff'), url('../fonts/icomoon.svg?txvsxz#icomoon') format('svg');
  font-weight: normal;
  font-style: normal;
  font-display: block;
  • Find the fonts when running stand-alone: Reference the.css file from index.html.单机运行时找到fonts:参考index.html中的.css文件。
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= BASE_URL %>css/icomoon.css" />
  • Find the fonts from the instance running withing wordpress page: Reference the.css file in your functions.php:从运行 wordpress 页面的实例中找到 fonts 页面:在您的函数中参考 .css 文件。ZE1BFD7623EEEAC4E406
      get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/myapp/dist/css/icomoon.css',

So that way font can be accessed both running in stand alone and from the wordpress page.因此,字体既可以独立运行,也可以从 wordpress 页面访问。

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