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MiNiFi GetFile 处理器无法获取大文件

[英]MiNiFi GetFile processor fails to get large files

I'm running apache MiNiFi c++ , The flow starts with a GetFile processor.我正在运行 apache MiNiFi c++ ,流程从GetFile处理器开始。

The input directory includes some large files, and when I run MiNiFi the files above ~1.5 GB fail and do not get queued.输入目录包含一些大文件,当我运行 MiNiFi 时,~1.5 GB 以上的文件失败并且没有排队。

The log file states:日志文件指出:

[org::apache::nifi::minifi::processors::GetFile] [Warning] failed to stat large_file_path_here [org::apache::nifi::minifi::processors::GetFile] [警告] 无法统计large_file_path_here

The other smaller files are queued as expected.其他较小的文件按预期排队。

Does anyone have a clue what can be wrong?有谁知道可能出了什么问题? Why can't the processor manage the larger files?为什么处理器不能管理较大的文件?

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

What you found seems like a bug that is present even in the current MiNiFi implementation even up to today.你发现的似乎是一个错误,即使在当前的 MiNiFi 实现中甚至直到今天也存在。 The issue is that file sizes you mentioned, a narrowing exception happens here when trying to determine the length of the file to be written into the content repository.问题是您提到的文件大小,当尝试确定要写入内容存储库的文件的长度时, 这里会发生缩小异常。

We will try to fix this issue asap.我们会尽快解决这个问题。

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