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如何在 Mono.flatMap() 中模拟方法?

[英]How to mock method in Mono.flatMap()?

I write unit tests for some service and I don't understand, why some method that i mock don't call.我为某些服务编写单元测试,但我不明白,为什么我模拟的某些方法不调用。 I try to test testDeleteDeviceWhenDeviceNotFound() method and it's pass, but when I try testDeleteDeviceSuccess() I have problems我尝试测试testDeleteDeviceWhenDeviceNotFound()方法并且它通过了,但是当我尝试testDeleteDeviceSuccess()我有问题

public class DeviceService {

    private DeviceRepository deviceRepository;
    private SyncSender syncSender;

    public Mono<Void> deleteDevice(long deviceId) {
        return deviceRepository
                .switchIfEmpty(Mono.error(new NotFoundException()))
                .flatMap(existingDevice -> deviceRepository

} and myTest和 myTest

class DeviceServiceTest {
    private DeviceRepository deviceRepository;
    private SyncSender syncSender;
    private DeviceService deviceService;

@DisplayName("Test deleteDevice when NotFoundException")
void testDeleteDeviceWhenDeviceNotFound() {
    long deviceId = 100L;
    Mono<Void> mono = deviceService.deleteDevice(deviceId);
            .expectErrorMatches(throwable -> throwable instanceof NotFoundException)
    @DisplayName("Test deleteDevice success")
    void testDeleteDeviceSuccess() {
        DeviceModel deviceModel = createDeviceModel();


Exceptions from junit that one of the stubbed methods were never realized in the code under test, during test execution来自 junit 的异常,即在测试执行期间,在被测代码中从未实现存根方法之一

Unnecessary stubbings detected.
Clean & maintainable test code requires zero unnecessary code.
Following stubbings are unnecessary (click to navigate to relevant line of code):
  1. -> at com.ecosoft.dms.device.vending.service.DeviceServiceTest.testDeleteDeviceSuccess(DeviceServiceTest.java:172)
  2. -> at com.ecosoft.dms.device.vending.service.DeviceServiceTest.testDeleteDeviceSuccess(DeviceServiceTest.java:173)
Please remove unnecessary stubbings or use 'lenient' strictness. More info: javadoc for UnnecessaryStubbingException class.

And when I try debug mode I see that I return on this step.Why?当我尝试调试模式时,我看到我回到了这一步。为什么?

.flatMap(existingDevice -> deviceRepository

In your failing test, you have:在你失败的测试中,你有:


This creates a mono, but never launches underlying async tasks.这将创建一个 mono,但从不启动底层异步任务。 The test finishes, and Mockito correctly reports that stubbed methods were never called.测试完成,并且 Mockito 正确报告从未调用存根方法。

You used a StepVerifier in your other test, to my eyes you need to use it here as well to trigger underlying async operations您在其他测试中使用了 StepVerifier,在我看来,您还需要在这里使用它来触发底层异步操作


Check simpler examples:检查更简单的示例:

void testMonoNotRun() {
    Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
        System.out.println("Callable run");
        return 1;

void testMonoRunBySubscribe() {
    Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
        System.out.println("Callable run");
        return 1;

void testMonoRunByStepVerify() {
    StepVerifier.create(Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
        System.out.println("Callable run");
        return 1;

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