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HMS Core过时返回错误?

[英]HMS Core is outdated and an error is returned?

If HMS Core is outdated an error -1 core error is returned when calling IapClient.isEnvReady() There is a possibility to disable automatic update of the HMS Core.如果 HMS Core 已过期,调用 IapClient.isEnvReady() 时返回错误-1 core error有可能禁用 HMS Core 的自动更新。 At some point, when it is outdated, if an app is started and there is a call to IapClient it always returns -1 core error .在某些时候,当它过时时,如果一个应用程序启动并且有一个对IapClient的调用,它总是返回-1 core error When HMS Core is updated and a device is restarted, then performing calls to IapClient works fine.当 HMS Core 更新并重新启动设备时,执行对 IapClient 的调用可以正常工作。

Is there any possibility to get meaningful error and, maybe, get an intent to update HMS Core?是否有可能获得有意义的错误,并且可能有更新 HMS Core 的意图?

Go to Settings > Apps > Apps > HMS Core, then touch and Uninstall updates. Go 到设置 > 应用程序 > 应用程序 > HMS Core,然后点击卸载更新。 2. Go to Settings > Apps > Apps > HMS Core, then go to > Auto-update, and disable Auto-update over Wi-Fi. 2. Go 到设置 > 应用程序 > 应用程序 > HMS Core,然后 go 到 > 自动更新,并禁用通过 Wi-Fi 自动更新。

The method "IapClient.isEnvReady()" is to check whether the currently signed-in HUAWEI ID is located in a location where HUAWEI IAP is available. IapClient.isEnvReady()方法用于检查当前登录的华为帐号是否位于华为IAP可用的位置。 If your HUAWEI ID is located in the supported locations, the check will pass.如果您的华为帐号位于受支持的位置,则检查将通过。

In Addition, if HMS Core version of the test device is too low, the app will automatically call a pop-up asking the user whether to update HMS Core Apk.另外,如果测试设备的HMS Core版本过低,应用会自动弹出弹窗询问用户是否更新HMS Core Apk。

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