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PHPOffice/PHPWord - 如何设置横向纸张大小

[英]PHPOffice/PHPWord - How to setup paper size with landscape orientation

I did follow this post: How to change paper size in PHPWord我确实关注了这篇文章: 如何在 PHPWord 中更改纸张大小


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$phpword = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();

$paper = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\Style\Paper();

$section = $phpword->addSection(array('pageSizeW' => $paper->getWidth(), 'pageSizeH' => $paper->getHeight()));

$section->addText("Hello World!");

$phpword->save('./test.docx', 'Word2007');


It will create file with Letter paper and Portrait layout它将使用信纸和纵向布局创建文件

I change to this:我改成这样:

$section = $phpword->addSection(array('orientation' => 'landscape'));

It generated file with Landscape layout but is A4 paper size.它生成的文件具有横向布局,但为A4纸大小。

How to generate file with Letter size + Landscape layout?如何生成具有 Letter 大小 + 横向布局的文件?

Thank you!谢谢!

Insert the orientation key in the array with width and height:在具有宽度和高度的数组中插入方向键:

$section = $phpword->addSection(array(
    'pageSizeW' => $paper->getWidth(), 
    'pageSizeH' => $paper->getHeight(), 
    'orientation' => 'landscape'

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