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对列表中的所有元素应用特定更改 ( Python )

[英]Applying a certain change to all elements in a list ( Python )

I'm working on a human stats database for a simulation game and cannot figure out a certain function.我正在为模拟游戏开发人类统计数据库,但无法确定某个 function。 The data about each person is stored as a string in a humandict list.每个人的数据以字符串形式存储在humandict列表中。 Every in-game year the ageup() func should be called, and change each strings data value.每个游戏年份都应该调用ageup()函数,并更改每个字符串的数据值。

This is the string data format that i use ( the list consists of these values which store data about every human ):这是我使用的字符串数据格式(列表由这些值组成,这些值存储有关每个人的数据):

##ID, age, strengths, smarts

I call the .split() method in order to divide those different numbers in a string to a list, and apply int() to each list item in order to use them in math.我调用.split()方法是为了将字符串中的这些不同数字划分为一个列表,并将int()应用于每个列表项以便在数学中使用它们。 The ageup() function should access every humandict item and change the age value by 1. This is the code I currently use ( which doesn't work as intended ): ageup() function 应该访问每个humandict项目并将年龄值更改为 1。这是我目前使用的代码(不能按预期工作):

    for unit in humandict:
        human = unit.split()
        age = int(human[1])
        age += 1
        replace = (str(human[0])+" "+str(age)+" "+str(human[2])+" "+str(human[3]))
        humandict[int(human[0])] = replace

The code successfully runs once, and the next time the function is called I then get the following error:代码成功运行一次,下次调用 function 时出现以下错误:

File "main.py", line 15, in ageup
    human = unit.split()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'

I simply don't understand where the problem is arising, it can due to wrong ID assignment or something else.我根本不明白问题出在哪里,可能是由于错误的 ID 分配或其他原因。 But I know for sure that using dictionary here is a better and efficient way to handle data.但我确信在这里使用字典是一种更好、更有效的数据处理方式。

So here is how you can implement the same stuff with dictionary:所以这里是你如何用字典实现相同的东西:

human_list_of_dict = [{'ID':<int>, 'age':<int>, 'strengths':<str>, 'smarts':<str>}]

above written is a list of dictionary to store data right now it has only 1 dictionary in it but there can be as much as you need.上面写的是一个存储数据的字典列表,它现在只有一个字典,但可以有你需要的字典。 then you simple call it just like a list with few changes.然后你可以简单地把它称为一个只有很少变化的列表。

for unit in human_list_of_dict:
    unit['age'] = unit['age']+1

By this way you can save you hassle of converting string to list and vice-versa.通过这种方式,您可以省去将字符串转换为列表的麻烦,反之亦然。 Also code is efficient this way(since there is less data manipulation).这种方式代码也很有效(因为数据操作较少)。

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