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如何使用结构指针和指定初始化初始化 C 结构

[英]How To Initialize a C Struct using a Struct Pointer and Designated Initialization

How can I use struct pointers with designated initialization?如何使用具有指定初始化的结构指针? For example, I know how to init the struct using the dot operator and designated initialization like:例如,我知道如何使用点运算符和指定的初始化来初始化结构,例如:

person per = { .x = 10,.y = 10 };

But If I want to do it with struct pointer?但是如果我想用结构指针来做呢?

I made this but it didn't work:我做了这个,但没有用:

    pper = (pperson*){10,5};

If pper is a person * that points to allocated memory, you can assign *pper a value using a compound literal, such as either of:如果pper是指向分配的 memory 的person * ,您可以使用复合文字为*pper pper 分配一个值,例如:

*pper = (person) { 10, 5 };
*pper = (person) { .x = 10, .y = 5 };

If it does not already point to allocated memory, you must allocate memory for it, after which you can assign a value:如果它尚未指向已分配的 memory,则必须为其分配 memory,然后您可以分配一个值:

pper = malloc(sizeof *pper);
if (!pper)
    fputs("Error, unable to allocate memory.\n", stderr);
*pper = (person) { 10, 5 };

or you can set it to point to an existing object:或者您可以将其设置为指向现有的 object:

pper = &SomeExistingPerson;

A compound literal looks like aa cast of a brace-enclosed initializer list.复合文字看起来像大括号括起来的初始化列表的强制转换。 Its value is an object of the type specified in the cast, containing the elements specified in the initializer.它的值是类型转换中指定的 object,包含初始化程序中指定的元素。 Here is a reference .这是一个参考

For a struct pperson , for instance, it would look like the following:例如,对于struct pperson ,它看起来如下所示:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>

struct pperson
   int x, y;

int main()

   // p2 is a pointer to structure pperson.
   // you need to allocate it in order to initialize it
   struct pperson *p2;
   p2 = (struct pperson*) malloc( sizeof(struct pperson));
   *p2 = (struct pperson) { 1, 2 };
   printf("%d %d\n", p2->x, p2->y);

   // you may as well intiialize it from a struct which is not a pointer
   struct pperson p3 = {5,6} ;
   struct pperson *p4 = &p3;
   printf("%d %d\n", p4->x, p4->y);

   return 0;

You can use a pointer to a compound literal:您可以使用指向复合文字的指针:

struct NODE{
   int x;
   int y;

struct NODE *nodePtr = &(struct NODE) {
    .x = 20,
    .y = 10
  • Notice that compund literals were introduced in C99.请注意,复合文字是在 C99 中引入的。

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