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Discord.py | 给特定用户特定角色的简单命令?

[英]Discord.py | A simple command to give a specific user a specific role?

I'm working on a bot that can give roles to users, but I'm not very well-versed in the discord.py syntax.我正在开发一个可以为用户分配角色的机器人,但我不太精通 discord.py 语法。

I've tried adapting code like this:我尝试过像这样调整代码:

  if message.content.startswith('!!role'):
   member = message.author
   var = discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, name = "Role A")

But this code doesn't fit my purpose, I'm trying to get a function more like this: roleGive(member,role) so then I could have a command in discord like !role @JohnSmith#0001 moderator , and it would give the user JohnSmith the 'moderator' role.但是这段代码不符合我的目的,我试图让 function 更像这样: roleGive(member,role)所以我可以在 discord 中有一个命令,比如!role @JohnSmith#0001 moderator ,它会给用户 JohnSmith 担任“主持人”角色。 Also, this function is going to be used elsewhere in the bot, so I'm trying to make the function reusable, so I could do something like (this is more-or-less pseudocode, I'm still learning):此外,这个 function 将在机器人的其他地方使用,所以我试图让 function 可重复使用,所以我可以做类似的事情(这或多或少是伪代码,我还在学习):

user = "JohnSmith#0001"

if 20 > user.messagecount() >= 10:
    roleGive(user,"10 Messages Gang")

if 30 > user.messagecount() >= 20:
    roleGive(user,"20 Messages Gang")

I also do want to stress that I have looked at a lot of similar questions on this site, and either the code is outdated and no longer works, or it does not fit my purpose.我还想强调一下,我在这个网站上查看了很多类似的问题,或者代码已经过时并且不再有效,或者它不符合我的目的。 Thanks for any help!谢谢你的帮助!

Try this for the function!试试这个功能!

#import discord
async def roleGive(member: discord.Member, role: discord.Role):
    await member.add_roles(role)

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