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有人可以解释第 3 行发生了什么吗?

[英]Can someone explain what is happening on line 3?

vector<long> v = {1,2,3};
long i = v.size();
const long* w = (i != 0) ? &v.front() : NULL;

Can someone explain what is happening on line 3?有人可以解释第 3 行发生了什么吗? To me, it feels like v = w.对我来说,感觉就像 v = w。 Am I understanding it right?我理解对了吗?

e1? v1: v2

That's ?: expression where when expression ( e1 ) has true, it returns v1 , else returns v2 .那是?:表达式,当表达式 ( e1 ) 为真时,它返回v1 ,否则返回v2

Here it means point constant pointer (cannot change address once assigned address) to NULL if v has no value inside.这里它表示指向NULL的常量指针(一旦分配地址就不能更改地址)如果v内部没有值。 Or the first element's address if v has at least one element inside.或者如果v内部至少有一个元素,则为第一个元素的地址。

it feels like v = w.感觉就像 v = w。

No, not at all.一点都不。 v is a std::vector<long> (assuming vector is std::vector ) and w is a const long* . vstd::vector<long> (假设vectorstd::vector ), wconst long* Thats two completely unrelated types.那是两种完全不相关的类型。 You cannot assign one to the other.您不能将一个分配给另一个。

Actually your code is similar to:实际上您的代码类似于:

vector<long> v = {1,2,3};
const long* w = &v[0];

w is a pointer to the first element in the vector. w是指向向量中第一个元素的指针。 v.front is just a different way to get a reference to the first element. v.front只是获取对第一个元素的引用的另一种方式。 And because in general we cannot know if v has an element at index 0 , the author added a check:而且因为通常我们不知道v是否在索引0处有一个元素,所以作者添加了一个检查:

vector<long> v = {1,2,3};
long i = v.size();
const long* w;
if ( v.size() != 0) w = &v.front();
else                w = nullptr;

And a less verbose way of writing the same is using the conditional operator:一个不太冗长的写法是使用条件运算符:

const long* w = ( v.size() != 0 ) ? &v.front() : nullptr;

Depending on the condition, only one side of : is evaluated, hence out-of-bounds access to element 0 in an empty vector can be avoided.根据条件,仅评估:的一侧,因此可以避免对空向量中的元素0的越界访问。

"const long* w = (i?= 0). &v:front(); NULL. " It checks whether vector has elements, If vector has elements. “const long* w = (i?= 0). &v:front(); NULL.” 检查向量是否有元素,如果向量有元素。 it assigns first elements address to long type pointer?它将第一个元素地址分配给长类型指针? . . is ternary operator;是三元运算符; example int a=1;int b=2?例如 int a=1;int b=2? (a<b): "if true do something"; (a<b): "如果是真的做某事"; "if false do something" ; “如果假做某事”;

const long* w = (i?= 0). &v:front(); NULL;

w is a pointer to a long constant - not to be confused with a const pointer to a long . w是指向long常量的指针 - 不要与指向longconst指针混淆 The value of the pointer is being initialized to the result of the ternary expression: (i?= 0). &v:front(); NULL;指针的值被初始化为三元表达式的结果: (i?= 0). &v:front(); NULL; (i?= 0). &v:front(); NULL;

The?: operator returns one of two values depending on the result of an expression. ?: 运算符根据表达式的结果返回两个值之一。

Source: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/1AUq5Di1/来源: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/1AUq5Di1/

If (i != 0) is true then the result will be the address of the reference returned by v.front() (ie: the first element in the vector v ).如果(i != 0)为真,那么结果将是v.front()返回的引用地址(即:向量v中的第一个元素)。 If the expression evaluates false then w will be a null pointer.如果表达式计算结果为 false,则w将是 null 指针。

A good rule to follow to ensure you understand any declaration properly is The "Clockwise/Spiral Rule" - understanding this rule can save you some headaches.确保您正确理解任何声明的一个很好的规则是“顺时针/螺旋规则” - 理解这条规则可以为您省去一些麻烦。

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