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从 tf.gradients() 到 tf.GradientTape() 的转换返回 None

[英]Conversion from tf.gradients() to tf.GradientTape() returns None

I'm migrating some TF1 code to TF2.我正在将一些 TF1 代码迁移到 TF2。 For full code, you may check here lines [155-176].有关完整代码,您可以在此处查看第 [155-176] 行。 There is a line in TF1 that gets gradients given a loss (float value) and a (m, n) tensor TF1 中有一条线在给定损失(浮点值)和 (m, n) 张量的情况下获得梯度

Edit: the problem persists编辑:问题仍然存在

Note: the TF2 code should be compatible and should work inside a tf.function注意: TF2 代码应该兼容并且应该在tf.function工作

g = tf.gradients(-loss, f)  # loss being a float and f being a (m, n) tensor
k = -f_pol / (f + eps)  # f_pol another (m, n) tensor and eps a float
k_dot_g = tf.reduce_sum(k * g, axis=-1)
adj = tf.maximum(
    (tf.reduce_sum(k * g, axis=-1) - delta)
    / (tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(k), axis=-1) + eps),
g = g - tf.reshape(adj, [nenvs * nsteps, 1]) * k
grads_f = -g / (nenvs * nsteps)
grads_policy = tf.gradients(f, params, grads_f)  # params being the model parameters

In TF2 code I'm trying:在 TF2 代码中,我正在尝试:

with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
    f = calculate_f()
    f_pol = calculate_f_pol()
    others = do_further_calculations()
    loss = calculate_loss()
g = tape.gradient(-loss, f)

However I keep getting g = [None] whether I use tape.watch(f) or create a tf.Variable with the value of f or even use tf.gradients() inside a tf.function because otherwise, it will complain.但是,无论我使用tape.watch(f)还是创建一个值为ftf.Variable ,甚至在tf.function中使用tf.gradients() ,我都会不断得到g = [None] ,否则它会抱怨。

It is very possible to be one of below cases很可能是以下情况之一

  1. Difine tf.Variable inside a function decorated by @tf.funtion ?在由@tf.funtion tf.Variable的 function 中区分 tf.Variable 吗?
  2. Some variable are numpy.array instead of tf.Tensor一些变量是 numpy.array 而不是 tf.Tensor
  3. You alter some outside variable(ie global variable ) inside the decorated function.您在装饰的 function 中更改了一些外部变量(即全局变量)。

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