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Rename-Item: Source and destination path must be different in Powershell

[英]Rename-Item : Source and destination path must be different error in Powershell

I am using Powershell and trying to return the child item of a directory, which happens to be a subdirectory, and then use the Rename-Item cmdlet to rename the subdirectory name to something else.我正在使用 Powershell 并尝试返回目录的子项,该目录恰好是子目录,然后使用Rename-Item cmdlet 将子目录名称重命名为其他名称。

I feel like the following code should work:我觉得下面的代码应该可以工作:

Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\mydirectory\subdirectory" | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace 'test'} 

But I am getting this error:但我收到此错误:

Rename-Item: Source and destination path must be different.

What am I missing here?我在这里想念什么? Thanks in advance!提前致谢!

Since you're using Get-ChildItem without limiting the result to files (via the -File switch), both files and directories can be among the output items.由于您使用Get-ChildItem而不将结果限制为文件(通过-File开关),因此文件和目录都可以在 output 项目中。

While Rename-Item results in a quiet no-op if a file is being renamed to the same name that it currently has, trying the same on a directory results in the error you saw.如果将文件重命名为当前具有的相同名称,则Rename-Item会导致安静的无操作,但在目录上尝试相同的名称会导致您看到的错误。

This applies to all items whose name does not contain substring 'test' , in which case the这适用于名称包含 substring 'test'所有项目,在这种情况下
-replace operation passes the input string through as-is. -replace操作按原样传递输入字符串。

If your intent is to rename files only , the solution is to simply add the -File switch :如果您的意图只是重命名文件,则解决方案是简单地添加-File开关

Get-ChildItem -File "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\mydirectory\subdirectory" |
  Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace 'test' } 

If directories are (also) targeted , as in your case, you need to explicitly filter out input items for which no actual renaming would occur :如果目录是(也)目标,就像您的情况一样,您需要明确过滤掉不会发生实际重命名的输入项

Get-ChildItem -Directory -Filter *test* "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\mydirectory\subdirectory" |
  Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace 'test' } 

-Filter *test* ensures that only subdirectories that contain the word 'test' are output, which guarantees that actual renaming occur (though note that the command would fail if a subdirectory's entire name were 'test' , as that would make the script block return the empty string ). -Filter *test*确保只有包含单词'test'的子目录是 output,这保证了实际重命名发生(但请注意,如果子目录的名是'test' ,该命令将失败,因为这会使脚本阻塞返回空字符串)。

If you simply want to rename a single subdirectory to a fixed new name , you don't need a delay-bind script block at all:如果您只是想单个子目录重命名为固定的新名称,则根本不需要延迟绑定脚本块:

# NOTE: Works only if only a SINGLE subdirectory is returned.
Get-ChildItem -Directory "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\mydirectory\subdirectory" |
  Rename-Item -NewName 'test'

If you have multiple subdirectories and you want incorporate a sequence number into the new names , you do again need a delay-bind script block:如果您有多个子目录,并且您希望将序列号合并到新名称中,您确实需要一个延迟绑定脚本块:

$num = 0
Get-ChildItem -Directory "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\mydirectory\subdirectory" |
  Rename-Item -NewName { 'test' + ++(Get-Variable -Scope 1 num).Value } -WhatIf

This renames the subdirectories to test1 , test2 , ...这会将子目录重命名为test1test2 ,...
For an explanation of this technique (the need for a Get-Variable call), see this answer .有关此技术的说明(需要调用Get-Variable ),请参阅此答案

If you want to preview the renaming operations that would take place, you can add the -WhatIf common parameter to the Rename-Item call, which will show for each input file what it would be renamed to.如果要预览将要发生的重命名操作,可以将-WhatIf通用参数添加到Rename-Item调用,这将为每个输入文件显示它将被重命名为的内容。

However, you have to infer from the output the cases when no actual renaming takes place , due to the delay-bind script block passed to -NewName returning the same name as before .但是,您必须从 output推断没有实际重命名发生的情况,因为传递给-NewName延迟绑定脚本块返回与以前相同的名称

Eg, an input file named foo would not be renamed, because 'foo' -replace 'test' returns 'foo' unmodified, which with -WhatIf would show as follows (line breaks added for readability) - note how the target and the destination path are the same:例如,名为foo的输入文件不会被重命名,因为'foo' -replace 'test'返回未经修改'foo' ,使用-WhatIf会显示如下(为便于阅读而添加了换行符) - 注意目标和目标如何路径相同:

What if: Performing the operation "Rename File" on target "
Item: C:\path\to\foo 
Destination: C:\path\to\foo

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