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以编程方式将图像发布到 MS-teams 频道

[英]post image to MS-teams channel programatically

I want to post an image daily to teams channel programmatically.我想以编程方式每天将图像发布到团队频道。

the file name is not static and will be changing every day.文件名不是 static 并且每天都会更改。

can some one please help on how can i post the image thru c# or powershell有人可以帮助我如何通过 c# 或 powershell 发布图像

Yes we can post an image to teams channel using incoming webhook.是的,我们可以使用传入的 webhook 将图像发布到团队频道。 Could you please have a look on this document .请您看一下这份文件

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