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从 Chrome 开发工具导出大型 HAR 文件

[英]Exporting large HAR file from Chrome Dev Tools

In the network tab within the Chrome Dev Tools, I have a large amount of HTTP requests that I would like to export into a HAR to analyze.在 Chrome 开发工具中的网络选项卡中,我有大量的 HTTP 请求,我想导出到 HAR 中进行分析。 I've tried to export the HAR with the export button, and I've tried the "Save all as HAR with content" option as well, but both result in a 0byte HAR file when downloaded.我尝试使用导出按钮导出 HAR,并且我也尝试了“将所有内容另存为带有内容的 HAR”选项,但下载时两者都会生成 0 字节的 HAR 文件。 I've exported HARs in the past, but I guess they've never been as large so they have succeeded without issue.我过去曾导出过 HAR,但我想它们从未像现在这样大,所以它们成功地没有问题。 For reference, the network tab shows:作为参考,网络选项卡显示:

  • 9262 requests 9262 个请求
  • 8.6 MB transferred已传输 8.6 MB
  • 21.8 MB resources 21.8 MB 资源

Anyone have any experience in exporting large HAR files?有人有导出大型 HAR 文件的经验吗? Is there a way to build a script that could export this?有没有办法构建一个可以导出它的脚本?

You could try webQsee ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webqsee-web-sniffer-recor/gamdpfnfkjknkimfbboonmgdfnondfme?hl=de ), it is able to handle large amounts of data.您可以尝试使用 webQsee ( https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webqsee-web-sniffer-recor/gamdpfnfkjknkimfbboonmgdfnondfme?hl=de ),它能够处理大量数据。

In addition to HAR export, you can also export so called "Behavior Reports" that contain not only the network communication but also console output and the screen video for later analysis.除了 HAR 导出,您还可以导出所谓的“行为报告”,其中不仅包含网络通信,还包含控制台 output 和屏幕视频以供以后分析。

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