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在 Xamarin Forms 和 Azure 中安排推送通知

[英]Schedule push notifications in Xamarin Forms with Azure

I'm pretty new with Azure.我对 Azure 很陌生。 I set up a notification hub in combination with a Xamarin Forms app, this works well with (silent) test notifications.我结合 Xamarin Forms 应用程序设置了一个通知中心,这适用于(静默)测试通知。 Now I have to schedule these notifications, actually infinite, two times an hour.现在我必须安排这些通知,实际上是无限的,每小时两次。 I can't really find any good documentation about this (except some basic information https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/notification-hubs/notification-hubs-send-push-notifications-scheduled ).我真的找不到任何好的文档(除了一些基本信息https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/notification-hubs/notification-hubs-send-push-notifications-scheduled )。 What is the best way to accomplish this?实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么? Is there a direct way from Azure? Azure有直接的方法吗? Or do I have to use WebJobs to call an API that resets the notifications every 7 days (maximum if I understood correctly?).或者我是否必须使用 WebJobs 调用 API 以每 7 天重置一次通知(如果我理解正确,最多可以吗?)。

From what I can find you can't schedule anything recurring, you can schedule unlimited, but there is no way to specify a recurrence pattern.据我所知,您无法安排任何重复发生,您可以安排无限制,但无法指定重复模式。 With that knowledge you probably want to have some other system in place that just schedules new notifications.有了这些知识,您可能希望拥有一些其他系统来安排新的通知。

This could be as simple as an Azure Functions that can actually be triggered by using a cron pattern and let that Function schedule the new notification(s).这可以像 Azure 函数一样简单,这些函数实际上可以通过使用 cron 模式触发,并让 Function 安排新的通知。 Other ways are of course just as good, but I think this might be the easiest and cost effective one其他方法当然也一样好,但我认为这可能是最简单和成本效益高的一种

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