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rails 如何在没有 rspec 的测试之前加载测试夹具?

[英]rails How to load test fixtures before tests without rspec?

Right now, I have a unit test that looks something like this:现在,我有一个看起来像这样的单元测试:

class ModelTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
  # fixtures are not loaded yet
  # would like to setup something here ONCE (not once for every test)
  context 'test1' do
    #fixtures are not loaded in here either
    should 'test1 test1' do
      #fixtures are only loaded in here

As the comments suggest, I want to setup something there ONCE (not once for every test) before all the tests run, but in order to do so, it requires the fixtures defined in test/fixtures folder to be loaded outside the scope of the tests and before the tests even run.正如评论所暗示的,我想在所有测试运行之前设置一次(不是每个测试一次),但为了做到这一点,它需要在test/fixtures文件夹中定义的夹具加载到 scope 之外测试甚至在测试运行之前。 Is there any way of accomplishing this?有没有办法做到这一点?

You can use before(:suite) hook.您可以使用before(:suite)钩子。 It will be called only once.它只会被调用一次。

before(:suite) do
  #load test/fixtures here

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