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Laravel 使用 UserId 和日期记录客户日志文件

[英]Laravel Log Customer Log file with UserId and date

I need to track and update all the log activities by the user in a user log file with name of the log file has storage/log/{Auth::user()->}_26_02_2021.log.我需要在用户日志文件中跟踪和更新用户的所有日志活动,该日志文件的名称为 storage/log/{Auth::user()->}_26_02_2021.log。

How can I achieve this using Laravel Logger.如何使用 Laravel 记录器来实现这一点。

I searched google found no useful tutorials.我搜索谷歌发现没有有用的教程。

For this case you must create simple " custom log formatter " like this:对于这种情况,您必须像这样创建简单的“自定义日志格式化程序”:

class UserLogger

    public function __invoke(array $config): Logger
        $log = new Logger($config['logname']);
        $level = $log::toMonologLevel($config['level'] ?: 'debug');

        $currUserId = auth()->user()->id;

        $logPath = storage_path('logs/by_user/' . $currUserId . '/' . Carbon::now()->toDateString() . '.log');
        $log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler($logPath, $level, false));

        return $log;
  • Also add three strings in your admin middleware for catching all users routes:还在您的管理中间件中添加三个字符串以捕获所有用户路由:
class AdminMiddleware
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $uri = $request->path();
        $requestParams = $request->all();
        logs('by_user_logs')->info('this user want to: ', ['uri' => $uri, 'params' => $requestParams]);

  • also add config params to config logging.php file:还将配置参数添加到配置 logging.php 文件:
'channels' => [
        'by_user_logs' => [
            'driver' => 'custom',
            'via' => UserLogger::class,
            'logname' => 'by_user_logs',
            'level' => 'debug',
  • this code tested for laravel 7 and 8此代码针对 laravel 7 和 8 进行了测试
  • you can see the full code listing here你可以在这里看到完整的代码清单

Let me only answer this question.让我只回答这个问题。 How I found the solution to the above question.我如何找到上述问题的解决方案。

I created a tap File like this inside a App\Logging folder我在 App\Logging 文件夹中创建了一个这样的点击文件

namespace App\Logging;

use Monolog\Handler\RotatingFileHandler;
use Monolog\Handler\FormattableHandlerInterface;
use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
class CustomLogFilenames
     * Customize the given logger instance.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Log\Logger  $logger
     * @return void
    public function __invoke($logger)
        foreach ($logger->getHandlers() as $handler) {
            if ($handler instanceof RotatingFileHandler) {
                 $userId = auth()->user()->id;
                $handler->setFilenameFormat("{filename}-$userId-{date}", 'Y-m-d');

            if ($handler instanceof FormattableHandlerInterface) {
                $handler->setFormatter(  new LineFormatter("[%datetime%]:  %message% \n", 'Y-m-d H:i:s', true));   

And added the following configuration inside the config\logging并在 config\logging 中添加了以下配置

    'userTracker' => [
        'driver' => 'daily',
        'tap' => [App\Logging\CustomLogFilenames::class],
        'path' => storage_path('logs/user-id.log'),
        'level' => 'debug',

I added this in the Controller我在 Controller 中添加了这个

   \Log::channel('userTracker')->info('Edit the  Page');

it created a file with name user-id-100-2020-02-26.log它创建了一个名为 user-id-100-2020-02-26.log 的文件

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