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如何编写一个 python 程序来判断输入的数字是否可以形成三角形?

[英]how to write a python program that can tell whether the numbers entered can form a triangle or not?

i was writing the following code:我正在编写以下代码:

def form_triangle(num1,num2,num3):

    success="Triangle can be formed"
    failure="Triangle can't be formed"

    if(num1 < num2 + num3):
        if(num2 < num1 + num3):
            if(num3 < num1 + num2):
                return success
        return failure

result = form_triangle(num1, num2, num3)  

but the problem is this code is unable to pass all the test cases.但问题是这段代码无法通过所有的测试用例。 for instance, if num1, num2, num3 have values 1, 2, 3 respectively, then the expected output should be N/A but my output is None.例如,如果 num1、num2、num3 的值分别为 1、2、3,那么预期的 output 应该是 N/A,但我的 output 是 None。 so, what changes should i have to made in my code to have the expected output.那么,我应该在我的代码中进行哪些更改才能获得预期的 output。

use multi condition if statement as follows使用多条件if statement如下

def form_triangle(num1,num2,num3):
    success="Triangle can be formed"
    failure="Triangle can't be formed"
    if(num1 < num2 + num3) and (num2 < num1 + num3) and (num3 < num1 + num2):
        return success
        return failure
num1, num2, num3 = 1,2,3
result = form_triangle(num1, num2, num3)  


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