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如何在flutter web中动态更改iframe的src?

[英]how to change src of iframe dynamically in the flutter web?

I am trying to set the new URL(ie an HTML string) which I am parsing every time the src changes.我正在尝试设置每次 src 更改时我都会解析的新 URL(即 HTML 字符串)。 but with this code, I am able to show only the first src and it is not changing and showing the same src of output every time.但是使用这段代码,我只能显示第一个 src 并且它不会更改并且每次都显示相同的 output src。
class IframeView extends StatefulWidget { String url; class IframeView extends StatefulWidget { String url;


_IframeViewState createState() => _IframeViewState(url);

class _IframeViewState extends State<IframeView> {
String url;
final html.IFrameElement _iframeElement = html.IFrameElement();

 Widget _iframeWidget;

 void initState() {
 _iframeElement.height = '500';
_iframeElement.width = '500';
_iframeElement.srcdoc = widget.url;
_iframeElement.style.border = 'none';

// print("src printing");
// print(_iframeElement.srcdoc);
// print("widget url");
// print(widget.url);

ui.platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory('iframeElement', (int viewId) {
  return _iframeElement;

_iframeWidget = HtmlElementView(
  key: UniqueKey(),
  viewType: 'iframeElement',


void didUpdateWidget(IframeView oldWidget) {
print("from did update widget");
_iframeElement.srcdoc = widget.url;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
  margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 50),
  child: _iframeWidget,

This worked for me:这对我有用:

Widget buildVideoView(Key key) {
    String? videoFileUrl;
    String iFrameId = <some id defined in this stateful class>;

    if (<default url flag>) {
      videoFileUrl = <defaultVideoUrl>;
    } else {
            videoFileUrl = <new url>;
      IFrameElement element = document.getElementById(iFrameId) as IFrameElement;
      element.src = videoFileUrl;

    html.IFrameElement _iframeElement;
    Widget _iframeWidget;
    _iframeElement = html.IFrameElement();
    _iframeElement.id = iFrameId; << this is important
    _iframeElement.height = '100%';
    _iframeElement.width = '100%';
    _iframeElement.allow = 'accelerometer; gyroscope;';
    _iframeElement.allowFullscreen = true;
    _iframeElement.src = videoFileUrl;
    _iframeElement.style.border = 'none';

    // ignore: undefined_prefixed_name
      (int viewId) => _iframeElement,
    _iframeWidget = HtmlElementView(
      key: key, << also important to prevent flicker/jitter/restart on rebuild
      viewType: 'iframeElement',
    return _iframeWidget;

I'm using _iframeElement.src = widget.url (not.srcdoc) and updating with a redraw function.我正在使用 _iframeElement.src = widget.url(not.srcdoc)并通过重绘 function 进行更新。

static redraw(String newLink, String newTitle) {
IFrameElement element = document.getElementById('contentz');
element.src = newLink;

} }

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