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通过 Windows 文件系统访问 Android 仿真器存储

[英]Access Android Emulator Storage via Windows File System

I am trying to develop a file communication system that interfaces between the respective file systems of a Windows PC and a connected Android device.我正在尝试开发一个文件通信系统,该系统在 Windows PC 和连接的 Android 设备的各个文件系统之间进行接口。 I realize a better (or at least simpler) way to do this would probably involve using the adb push and pull commands, but I am gathering options/trying to avoid developing additional communications on the Windows side beyond its basic OS file access.我意识到更好(或至少更简单)的方法可能涉及使用adb pushpull命令,但我正在收集选项/试图避免在 Windows 端开发超出其基本操作系统文件访问权限的额外通信。 I know it is possible to interact with the device's storage directly from Windows when the device is physically connected via USB - if I understand correctly, this is commonly done using MTP?我知道当设备通过 USB 物理连接时,可以直接从 Windows 与设备的存储进行交互 - 如果我理解正确,这通常是使用 MTP 完成的? However, I am also currently constrained to only being able to use an emulated Android device.但是,我目前也只能使用模拟的 Android 设备。 The Android Emulator is a useful tool for a variety of development situations, but I am not sure it was ever intended to appear as an MTP device in Windows like its physical counterparts do. Android 仿真器是适用于各种开发情况的有用工具,但我不确定它是否曾像其物理对应物一样在 Windows 中作为 MTP 设备出现。

So could anyone provide documentation or some other resource establishing either任何人都可以提供文档或其他一些资源来建立

  1. an MTP, UMS, etc. Windows connection is indeed not possible with the default QEMU Android Emulator; MTP、UMS 等 Windows 连接确实无法使用默认的 QEMU Android 仿真器; or或者
  2. it is, and how.它是,以及如何。

Judging by the answer provided here - https://stackoverflow.com/a/21633596/1399272 - it does not appear that accessing the Android file system using a mounted drive in the Windows file system is an option, regardless of whether it is emulated or physically connected. Judging by the answer provided here - https://stackoverflow.com/a/21633596/1399272 - it does not appear that accessing the Android file system using a mounted drive in the Windows file system is an option, regardless of whether it is emulated或物理连接。 So my question becomes moot point.所以我的问题变得没有意义。

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