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[英]How can I check if a given data table has been rendered

I have a function that selects all checkboxes ( selecionarTodos() ) on all pages of a table ( #tbTarefas ).我有一个 function 选择表( #tbTarefas )所有页面上的所有复选框( selecionarTodos() )。 However, I want to use the same method to select all checkboxes in other tables, which have the same structure, only with different id .但是,我想对 select 其他表中的所有复选框使用相同的方法,这些复选框具有相同的结构,只是具有不同的id

I would like to check if a certain table is rendered at that moment on screen.我想检查某个表格当时是否在屏幕上呈现。 Something like that.类似的东西。


function selecionarTodos(source) {
        const tabela = $("#tbTarefas").DataTable();
        let celulasCheckbox = tabela.column(0).nodes();

        for (let i = 0; i < celulasCheckbox.length; i++) {
            let checkbox = celulasCheckbox[i].querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');

            checkbox.checked = source.checked;

After ( Initial thinking )之后初步思考

function selecionarTodos(source) {
        const tabelaTarefas = $("#tbTarefas").DataTable();
        const tabelaAtendimento = $("#tbPendentes").DataTable();

        if (tabelaTarefas) {
            let CheckboxTarefasTd = tabelaTarefas.column(0).nodes();

            for (let i = 0; i < CheckboxTarefasTd.length; i++) {
                let checkbox = CheckboxTarefasTd[i].querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');

                checkbox.checked = source.checked;
        else if (tabelaAtendimento) {
            let CheckboxAtendimentoTd = tabelaAtendimento.column(0).nodes();

            for (let i = 0; i < CheckboxAtendimentoTd.length; i++) {
                let checkbox = CheckboxAtendimentoTd[i].querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]');

                checkbox.checked = source.checked;


Datatables has a callback for once initialization has been completed.一旦初始化完成,Datatables 就会有一个回调。

$('#tbTarefas').on( 'init.dt', function () { 


Or on each redraw use "draw.dt"或者在每次重绘时使用“draw.dt”

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