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将水印插入从 Excel VBA 创建的 Word 文档中

[英]Inserting watermarks into Word documents created from Excel VBA

I am working on some code which modifies a Word document template with data from an Excel file (code is run in Excel).我正在处理一些代码,它使用 Excel 文件中的数据修改 Word 文档模板(代码在 Excel 中运行)。 This code creates and saves multiple customized letters in Word, which is all working.此代码在 Word 中创建并保存多个自定义字母,一切正常。 I am now trying to get the code to add watermarks into some of these letters (note the specific letters with watermarks will vary per run), which I am having issues with.我现在正在尝试获取将水印添加到其中一些字母中的代码(请注意,带有水印的特定字母每次运行都会有所不同),这是我遇到的问题。

Here is the code snippet from Excel I derived from a recording of a Macro in Word for creating a custom watermark.这是 Excel 的代码片段,我从 Word 中的宏记录中得出,用于创建自定义水印。

Sub InsertWatermark()

Dim DocLocation As String
Dim WordDoc, WordApp As Object

    Set WordApp = GetObject("Word.Application")
    WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(FileName:=DocLocation, ReadOnly:=False)

    WordDoc.View.SeekView = 9 'wdSeekCurrentPageHeader
    Selection.HeaderFooter.Shapes.AddTextEffect( _
        PowerPlusWaterMarkObject1889500, "DRAFT", "Trebuchet MS", 1, False, False _
        , 0, 0).Select
    Selection.ShapeRange.Name = "PowerPlusWaterMarkObject1889500"
    Selection.ShapeRange.TextEffect.NormalizedHeight = False
    Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = False
    Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = True
    Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(192, 192, 192)
    Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Transparency = 0.5
    Selection.ShapeRange.Rotation = 315
    Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = True
    Selection.ShapeRange.Height = CentimetersToPoints(6.65)
    Selection.ShapeRange.Width = CentimetersToPoints(16.61)
    Selection.ShapeRange.WrapFormat.AllowOverlap = True
    Selection.ShapeRange.WrapFormat.Type = 3
    Selection.ShapeRange.RelativeHorizontalPosition = 0 'wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin
    Selection.ShapeRange.RelativeVerticalPosition = 0 'wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin
    Selection.ShapeRange.Left = -999995 'wdShapeCenter
    Selection.ShapeRange.Top = -999995 'wdShapeCenter

End Sub

Is it possible to get this Word derived code to work in Excel or should I be taking a different approach for adding watermarks?是否可以让这个 Word 派生代码在 Excel 中工作,或者我应该采用不同的方法来添加水印? Is it necessary to include enumerations for Word object model specific code as I have done above.是否有必要像我上面所做的那样包含 Word object model 特定代码的枚举。

Let me know if I need to clarify anything further in the above.如果我需要在上面进一步澄清任何内容,请告诉我。


The macro recorder uses the Selection object, which is slow and unreliable in a generalized macro.宏记录器使用选择 object,在广义宏中速度慢且不可靠。 Here's your code streamlined to use the Range object and With statements.这是您的代码简化为使用 Range object 和 With 语句。 If your document is set up with different first page and/or even and odd headers, you will have to write variations on wdHeaderFooterPrimary :如果您的文档设置有不同的第一页和/或偶数和奇数页眉,则您必须在wdHeaderFooterPrimary上编写变体:

Sub InsertWatermark()
    Dim DocLocation As String
    Dim WordDoc, WordApp As Object
    Dim oShape As Shape

    Set WordApp = GetObject("Word.Application")
    WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(FileName:=DocLocation, ReadOnly:=False)

    Set oShape = WordDoc.Sections(1).Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary) _
        .Shapes.AddTextEffect(PowerPlusWaterMarkObject1889500, "DRAFT", _
        "Trebuchet MS", 1, False, False, 0, 0)
    With oShape
        .Name = "PowerPlusWaterMarkObject1889500"
        .TextEffect.NormalizedHeight = False
        .Line.Visible = False
        With .Fill
            .Visible = True
            .ForeColor.RGB = RGB(192, 192, 192)
            .Transparency = 0.5
        End With
        .Rotation = 315
        .LockAspectRatio = True
        .Height = CentimetersToPoints(6.65)
        .Width = CentimetersToPoints(16.61)
        With .WrapFormat
            .AllowOverlap = True
            .Type = 3
        End With
        .RelativeHorizontalPosition = 0 'wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin
        .RelativeVerticalPosition = 0 'wdRelativeVerticalPositionMargin
        .Left = -999995 'wdShapeCenter
        .Top = -999995 'wdShapeCenter
    End With
End Sub

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