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[英]Names of Graph Traversal Algorithms

What I'm looking for is a comprehensive list of graph traversal algorithms, with brief descriptions of their purpose, as a jump off point for researching them. 我正在寻找的是一个完整的图遍历算法列表,简要描述了它们的目的,作为研究它们的跳转点。 So far I'm aware of: 到目前为止我知道:

  • Dijkstra's - single-source shortest path Dijkstra的 - 单源最短路径
  • Kruskal's - finds a minimum spanning tree Kruskal's - 找到最小的生成树

What are some other well-known ones? 还有哪些其他众所周知的? Please provide a brief description of each algorithm to each of your answers. 请为每个答案提供每种算法的简要说明。

the well knowns are : 众所周知:

network flow 网络流量

A few off of the top of my head: 我头顶的几个:

Depth-first and Breadth-first traversals, really just two different ways of touching all of the nodes. 深度优先和广度优先遍历,实际上只是触摸所有节点的两种不同方式。

Floyd-Warshall algorithm finds the shortest paths between any pair of points, in (big-theta)(v^3) time. Floyd-Warshall算法在(big-theta)(v ^ 3)时间内找到任意一对点之间的最短路径。

Prim's algorithm is an alternative to Kruskal's for MST. Prim的算法是Kruskal用于MST的替代算法。

There are also algorithms for finding fully connected components, which are groups of nodes where you can get from any member in the component to any other member. 还有用于查找完全连接的组件的算法,这些组件是节点组,您可以从组件中的任何成员到任何其他成员。 This only matters for "directed graphs", where you can traverse an edge only one direction. 这仅适用于“有向图”,您只能在一个方向上遍历边。

Personally, I think the coolest extension of graph theory (not exactly related to your question, but if you're interested in learning more about graphs in general its certainly worth your while) is the concepts of "flow networks": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_network . 就个人而言,我认为图论的最酷扩展(与您的问题不完全相关,但如果您有兴趣了解更多关于图形的信息,那肯定值得您一试)是“流动网络”的概念: http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_network It is a way of computing about, say, how much electricity can one distribute over houses with a variety of power needs and requirements, and a variety of power stations. 这是一种计算方式,例如,可以分配多少电力来满足具有各种电力需求和要求的房屋以及各种电站。

Graph algorithms 图算法

All algorithms in one place 所有算法都在一个地方

Dictionary of algorithms and data structures: 算法和数据结构字典:

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