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[英]How to implement a C interface in Python and pass objects using CFFI

I would like to know how to use an existing C interface (a header file) and implement such an interface in Python by using the CFFI library.我想知道如何使用现有的 C 接口(header 文件)并通过使用 CFFI 库在 Python 中实现这样的接口。

For example, I have the following header file, interface.h :例如,我有以下 header 文件interface.h

void* foo(void* value);

And I want to implement it in Python.我想在 Python 中实现它。 I thought the following program would do the work work, but it doesn't.我认为以下程序可以完成工作,但事实并非如此。 It creates the function foo , but it doesn't guarantee that the implementation follows the structure defined in the header file.它创建 function foo ,但不保证实现遵循 header 文件中定义的结构。

import cffi

ffibuilder = cffi.FFI()

with open('interface.h') as f:
    data = ''.join([line for line in f if not line.startswith('#')])

ffibuilder.set_source("_lib", r'''
    #include "interface.h"

    from _lib import ffi

     #include "interface.h"

    def foo(param):
        return __import__(param)



How to pass Python objects using CFFI?如何使用 CFFI 传递 Python 对象?

In the above example, as a result of calling foo that returns a Python object.在上面的例子中,作为调用foo的结果,返回 Python object。 Then on the client-side, I have the following:然后在客户端,我有以下内容:

ffi = FFI()
# Load my lib file
lib = C.CDLL(dll)

h = lib.foo("math")

When I look up the value of h, it shows a number of type integer.当我查看 h 的值时,它显示了一个类型为 integer 的数字。 However, I was expecting to receive an object.但是,我期待收到 object。 According to the interface, foo must return a pointer void* .根据接口, foo必须返回一个指针void* How can I read that object from it?我如何从中读取 object ? Am I doing something wrong?难道我做错了什么?

To answer your last question: you are using ctypes , not cffi , in this example.要回答您的最后一个问题:在此示例中,您使用的是ctypes ,而不是cffi These are different project.这些是不同的项目。 It should be apparent because the ffi object is from cffi , but is unused in the following lines.这应该很明显,因为ffi object 来自cffi ,但在以下行中未使用。 Instead of lib = C.CDLL() with I guess C being an alias to ctypes , you should call lib = ffi.dlopen("...") !而不是lib = C.CDLL()我猜Cctypes的别名,你应该调用lib = ffi.dlopen("...")

I found that the problem is that when switching from ctypes to CFFI for loading a DLL.我发现问题在于从 ctypes 切换到 CFFI 以加载 DLL 时。 The first requires the definition of the methods that are available in the dynamic library.第一个需要定义动态库中可用的方法。 Therefore, adding this fixes the problem因此,添加这个可以解决问题

  void foo(void* value);

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