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如何保护 Razor Class 库中的控制器

[英]How can I secure Controllers in a Razor Class Library

I have developed some Admin functionality (EF logic, Controller, and Razor UI for Audit Logs actually) that I've packaged into a Razor Class Library (RCL) and created a NuGet package. I have developed some Admin functionality (EF logic, Controller, and Razor UI for Audit Logs actually) that I've packaged into a Razor Class Library (RCL) and created a NuGet package. I want this functionality available to users of the package, but I want to allow them to control the access security.我希望 package 的用户可以使用此功能,但我希望允许他们控制访问安全性。 I would usually decorate the Controller with an Authorize Attribute, something like:我通常会用授权属性装饰 Controller,例如:

[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public class AuditLogController : Controller

But I don't want to presume the client's security policy and Audit Logs are sensitive data.但我不想假设客户的安全策略和审计日志是敏感数据。

They could derive their own controller from mine, but the original Route would still be in their default Area Mappings.他们可以从我的那里得到他们自己的 controller,但原来的路线仍然在他们的默认区域映射中。

How can I give full control of this over to the package clients?我怎样才能将这个完全控制权交给 package 客户端?

Rather than authorizing by Role, you could require that people using your code create custom security policies that are defined on startup.您可以要求使用您的代码的人创建在启动时定义的自定义安全策略,而不是按角色授权。 This would result in something like这将导致类似

[Authorize(Policy= "AuditControllerPolicy")]
public class AuditLogController : Controller

The policy approach is extremely flexible so the policy might be a requirement that a user be in role Admin.该策略方法非常灵活,因此该策略可能要求用户具有管理员角色。 It could also require other claims be present in the token, including custom claims.它还可能要求令牌中存在其他声明,包括自定义声明。 Check out Policy-based Authorization in Asp.Net Core .查看Asp.Net Core 中基于策略的授权

This approach gives a user of your NuGet package complete flexibility, but many might find it burdensome.这种方法为 NuGet package 的用户提供了完全的灵活性,但许多人可能会觉得它很麻烦。 You might want to canvas a few to get their opinion first.您可能想先 canvas 几个以获得他们的意见。

You can create a extension method to dynamically secure your Razor Class Library routes.您可以创建扩展方法来动态保护您的 Razor Class 库路由。


    internal static class IEndpointConventionBuilderExtensions
        public static TBuilder AddAuthorization<TBuilder>(this TBuilder builder, AuthorizeAttribute? metadata = null)
            where TBuilder : IEndpointConventionBuilder
            if(metadata != null)

            return builder;


                name: "MasterData",
                pattern: "{culture}/{area:exists}/{controller=Log}/{action=Index}/{dictionaryName?}/")
    .AddAuthorization(new AuthorizeAttribute("MasterData"));

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