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Ruby:从 Ruby 生成 Google Protobuf 时间戳?

[英]Ruby: Generate Google Protobuf TimeStamp from Ruby?

Here is a model blog .这是 model blog

# id  :bigint(8)
#  created_at                  :datetime         not null
#  updated_at                  :datetime         not null

class Blog < ApplicationRecord


I would like to convert model's created_at and updated_at to google Protobuf TimeStamp我想将模型的 created_at 和 updated_at 转换为 google Protobuf TimeStamp

blog = Blog.first

How to convert DateTime to google Protobuf TimeStamp when forming a protobuf message?形成protobuf消息时如何将DateTime转换为google Protobuf TimeStamp?

If you are using Ruby On Rails, you can do it in the following way:如果您使用的是 Ruby On Rails,您可以通过以下方式进行操作:

## Convert Ruby DateTime to Google::Protobuf::Timestamp
time = DateTime.now
seconds = time.to_i
nanos = time.nsec
gpt = Google::Protobuf::Timestamp.new(seconds: seconds, nanos: nanos)

## Convert Google::Protobuf::Timestamp to ruby DateTime
micros = gpt.nanos / 10 ** 3
time2 = Time.at(gpt.seconds, micros)


  1. ActiveSupport: DateTime#nsec ActiveSupport: 日期时间#nsec
  2. Stack Overflow: How can we convert google.protobuf.Timestamp to Ruby DateTime object? 堆栈溢出:我们如何将 google.protobuf.Timestamp 转换为 Ruby DateTime object?

Google protobuf library has methods to do it: Google protobuf 库有方法可以做到这一点:

require 'google/protobuf/well_known_types'

# Convert ruby Time to protobuf value
time = Time.current

# Convert protobuf value to ruby Time
data = {:nanos=>801877000, :seconds=>1618811494}

See: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/f763a2a86084371fd0da95f3eeb879c2ff26b06d/ruby/lib/google/protobuf/well_known_types.rb#L74-L97参见: https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/blob/f763a2a86084371fd0da95f3eeb879c2ff26b06d/ruby/lib/google/protobuf/well_known_types.rb#L74-L97

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