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Visual Studio WPF xaml 设计师不会出现,即使启用

[英]visual Studio WPF xaml designer won't show up, even when enabled

So I'm trying to load the XAML designer in visual Studio, and it won't show up, only the source editor shows up所以我试图在 Visual Studio 中加载 XAML 设计器,它不会显示,只有源编辑器显示在此处输入图像描述

I use the XAML WPF designer to make a lot of decisions, as I'm not on a team and do everything myself with this program including UI design so I tried to turn it back on, so in the settings I tried to turn it on我使用 XAML WPF 设计师做出了很多决定,因为我不在团队中,我自己用这个程序做所有事情,包括 UI 设计,所以我试图重新打开它,所以在设置中我试图打开它在此处输入图像描述 I set it to these settings and restarted visual studio and I still can't open it, can someone please help me load the designer?我将其设置为这些设置并重新启动了 Visual Studio,但我仍然无法打开它,有人可以帮我加载设计器吗?


What is below your bottom bar in your screenshot?屏幕截图中底部栏下方是什么? you should see the Design/XAML tabs to toggle between them, or mouse on the border to drag up the designer/xaml splitter.您应该会看到 Design/XAML 选项卡在它们之间切换,或者将鼠标放在边框上以向上拖动设计器/xaml 拆分器。

设计/XAML 选项卡

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