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Jest + process.env.NODE_ENV 没有正确测试

[英]Jest + process.env.NODE_ENV not testing properly

I have a config file that changes a variable based on the process.env.NODE_ENV here is the function:我有一个配置文件,它根据process.env.NODE_ENV更改变量,这里是 function:

const { hostname } = window.location

let USE_DEV_TOOLS = false
if (
  hostname === 'qa.example.com' ||
  hostname === 'dev.example.com' ||
  NODE_ENV !== 'production'
) {
  USE_DEV_TOOLS = true

In my test I want to test that if NODE_ENV is production, USE_DEV_TOOLS returns false however, if I try to change the NODE_ENV it updates after getting the variable.在我的测试中,我想测试如果NODE_ENV是生产, USE_DEV_TOOLS返回false但是,如果我尝试更改NODE_ENV ,它会在获取变量后更新。

import config from 'consts/config'
describe('Environment variables', () => {
  const ORIGINAL_ENV = process.env
  beforeEach(() => {
    process.env = { ...ORIGINAL_ENV }

  afterAll(() => {
    process.env = ORIGINAL_ENV

  it('production does not use dev tools', () => {
    process.env = { NODE_ENV: 'production' }

    // console logs properly, but is changing after I get config


Use es6 import to import the module, the code in the module will be executed immediately, at this time process.env.NODE_ENV environment has not been modified.使用es6 import导入模块,模块中的代码会立即执行,此时process.env.NODE_ENV环境没有被修改。

So you should use require to require the module after modifying the process.env.NODE_ENV in the test case.所以你应该在测试用例中修改process.env.NODE_ENV后使用require模块。


config.js : config.js

const { hostname } = window.location;

console.log('config loaded');

let USE_DEV_TOOLS = false;
if (hostname === 'qa.example.com' || hostname === 'dev.example.com' || process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
  USE_DEV_TOOLS = true;

export default { USE_DEV_TOOLS };

config.test.js : config.test.js

describe('Environment variables', () => {
  const ORIGINAL_ENV = process.env;
  beforeEach(() => {
    process.env = { ...ORIGINAL_ENV };

  afterAll(() => {
    process.env = ORIGINAL_ENV;

  it('production does not use dev tools', () => {
    process.env = { NODE_ENV: 'production' };
    const config = require('./config').default;


test result:测试结果:

 PASS  examples/66555582/config.test.js
  Environment variables
    ✓ production does not use dev tools (10 ms)


      at Object.<anonymous> (examples/66555582/config.test.js:16:13)

    config loaded

      at Object.<anonymous> (examples/66555582/config.js:3:9)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.392 s, estimated 4 s

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