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[英]Reading and Writing multiple compressed frames from single file

I have extremely large byte data stored in txt files (size of approx 1TB each, (4 depth cameras running 24-7 simultaneously) written at a rate of approx 4GB per minute) to a hard drive.我有非常大的字节数据存储在 txt 文件(每个大小约为 1TB,(4 个深度相机同时运行 24-7 个)以大约每分钟 4GB 的速度写入硬盘驱动器)。

Each file contains a large number of image frames encoded in bytes.每个文件都包含大量以字节编码的图像帧。 Each frame was compressed using lz4 compression and written to a corresponding camera file name, there are only 4 files though that will increase for longer recordings.每帧都使用 lz4 压缩进行压缩,并写入相应的摄像机文件名,虽然只有 4 个文件,但对于更长的记录会增加。

Each frame is of an unknown size, when only having the data.当只有数据时,每个帧的大小都是未知的。

Each frame is separated by an uncompressed bytearray pattern that was concatenated on to the end of the already compressed frame.每个帧由一个未压缩的字节数组模式分隔,该模式连接到已压缩帧的末尾。 Like so:像这样:

                frame_ender_bytes = bytearray("<FRAME_END>", 'utf-8')
                for k, frame_compressed in map_to_sort.mapper.items():
                    with lz4.frm.open(frame_compressed[0], 'ab') as fp:
                        fp.write(frame_compressed[1] + frame_ender_bytes)

I am attempting to read each frame, decompress it, and write the uncompressed frame to another 12TB hard drive (in 18, or preferably less, hours, (less time than it takes to write and compress the data to the file). I am unfortunately unable to use high capacity SSD's for this project so I have to some how manage the bottlenecks of reading and writing compressed data to hard discs.我正在尝试读取每一帧,解压缩它,并将未压缩的帧写入另一个 12TB 硬盘驱动器(在 18 小时内,或者最好更少,(比将数据写入和压缩到文件所需的时间更少)。我是不幸的是,这个项目无法使用大容量 SSD,所以我必须了解如何管理读取和写入压缩数据到硬盘的瓶颈。

I have come up with several different ideas on how to solve it however none of them seem to work that well.关于如何解决它,我提出了几种不同的想法,但是它们似乎都没有那么好。 There are of course the niave approaches I have tried of reading the file byte-by-byte (too long to even read).当然,我尝试过一些幼稚的方法来逐字节读取文件(太长而无法读取)。 I have also tried:我也试过:

Reading the files in chunks that are approx the size of each frame and checking using split function like so:以大约每帧大小的块读取文件并使用拆分 function 进行检查,如下所示:

import lz4.frame as frm
import numpy as np
def chunky(stream):
    buffer = bytearray()
    while True: 
        chunk = stream.read(40096)
        if chunk:
            buffer += chunk
        while True:
            combine = buffer.split(b'<FRAME_END>', 1)
            if len(combine) < 2:
                buffer = combine[1]
                part = combine[0]
                yield part

# Elsewhere in code
# dec_path is a string variable that stores the decompressed file path corresponding to the camera path file
with frm.open(camera_file_path, 'rb') as fp:
    for ch in chunky(fp):
        output_arr = ch
        decompressed_frame = frm.decompress(output_arr)
        with frm.open(dec_path, 'ab') as fj:

There are of course a multitude of edge cases with this approach ((What if the <FRAME_END> is split by the read into one chunk reading......, the split function won't work and it will show an unrecognized frame. (Even so this doesn't happen that often and times for decompression and writing are still greater than 18 hours)这种方法当然有很多边缘情况((如果 <FRAME_END> 被读取分割成一个块读取怎么办......,分割 function 将不起作用,它会显示一个无法识别的帧.(即使这样也不会经常发生,解压和写入的时间仍然大于18小时)

Create a JSON/txt file that contains a map like structure.创建一个 JSON/txt 文件,其中包含类似 map 的结构。 Where each key maps to the starting and ending location of each frame in bytes.每个键映射到每个帧的开始和结束位置(以字节为单位)。 Then storing the data as a dictionary and then utilizing it to read each frame in the appropriate number of bytes.然后将数据存储为字典,然后利用它以适当的字节数读取每一帧。 Writing the compressed file:编写压缩文件:

# In this example there are no separators between each frame as I am keeping track of positions.
# map_to_sort is a dictionary organized like so 
# int k : ["E:\\Frame_Data\cam_compressed_0.txt", #compressed frame, 56000, 10000, "E:\\Frame_Data\\cam_compressed_0_mapper_data.txt"]
for k, frame_compressed in map_to_sort.mapper.items():
    with frm.open(frame_compressed[0], 'ab') as fp:
    with open(frame_compressed[4], 'w') as fil:
         str_to_write = str(k) + "," + str(frame_compressed[2]) + "," + str(frame_compressed[3]) + "," + frame_compressed[0] + "," + "\n"

Reading and writing the decompressed file读写解压文件

with open(TEXT_COMPRESSED_MAPPER_PATH, 'r') as fr:
     for line in fr:
         str_arr = (line.strip()).split(",")
         file_comp_read_from = str_arr[3]
         start_byte_pos = str_arr[1]
         end_byte_pos = str_arr[2]
         with frm.open(str_arr[3], 'rb') as fp:
             fp.seek(start_byte_pos, 0)
             fp.read(end_byte_pos - start_byte_pos)
         # Same decompression code as before

However the downside to this was both the memory taken up by the text or json file (not insignificant) and the RAM (RAM limitations).然而,这样做的缺点是文本或 json 文件(并非无关紧要)和 RAM(RAM 限制)占用的 memory。 As well as the fact that the frame reads were inconsistent and I would get many frames that just weren't decompressed properly.以及帧读取不一致的事实,我会得到许多没有正确解压缩的帧。 Perhaps I am uncertain if I am collecting the true exact location relative to the file size where the frame begins and where it ends.也许我不确定我是否正在收集相对于框架开始和结束位置的文件大小的真实确切位置。 If any one has any pointers that could also help.如果有人有任何指示也可以提供帮助。

The final thing that would most likely help is increasing lz4 compression level from 7 to something higher.最有可能帮助的最后一件事是将 lz4 压缩级别从 7 提高到更高的级别。 Smaller file sizes would undoubtedly cut down on the management.较小的文件大小无疑会减少管理。 (Decompression is not that intensive on my CPU). (解压缩在我的 CPU 上不是那么密集)。

At compression level 7 I am already using all 8 cores at about 70% and at level 8 compression I start losing frames as it is taking too long to decompress, as well as having a CPU usage at 98%.在压缩级别 7 时,我已经以大约 70% 的速度使用了所有 8 个内核,在级别 8 压缩时,我开始丢失帧,因为解压缩时间太长,并且 CPU 使用率达到 98%。

A lot of the compression code uses a combination of multi threading, multi-processing.很多压缩代码使用多线程、多处理的组合。 The code is too long to post here nor am I necessarily allowed to post a link containing it (not open source as of yet, I can post parts of it maybe if you wish).代码太长,不能在这里发布,我也不一定允许发布包含它的链接(目前还不是开源的,如果你愿意,我可以发布其中的一部分)。

The basic idea is to have one process handling recording and placing the frames into a shared queue, another process happens simultaneously that checks if the queue is empty or not and then processes the queue (pops of frames) utilizing threads to compress multiple frames at once.基本思想是让一个进程处理记录并将帧放入共享队列中,另一个进程同时发生,检查队列是否为空,然后利用线程一次压缩多个帧来处理队列(帧的弹出) . The unsorted frames are then sorted and written to corresponding files, in order.然后对未排序的帧进行排序并按顺序写入相应的文件。 If any one has any pointers on how to significantly increase compression ratio without too much strain on my CPU that would be nice.如果有人对如何显着提高压缩率而不会对我的 CPU 造成太大压力有任何指示,那就太好了。

I am not too happy with this design as it is not great practice using the shared queue between the two processes.我对这种设计不太满意,因为在两个进程之间使用共享队列并不是很好的做法。 However I saw little choice as the Intel Depth Cameras I am using don't particularly play nice with the multiprocessing module, so I couldn't easily set up a process for each camera to have.但是,我认为我没有什么选择,因为我使用的英特尔深度摄像头与多处理模块配合得不是特别好,所以我无法轻松地为每个摄像头设置一个进程。 Nor does the implementation of the Intel Depth Cameras python module lend itself to record, and stream simultaneously in a simple way.英特尔深度摄像头 python 模块的实施也不适合以简单的方式同时记录和 stream。

If you wish to see more code on the way I am handling the file compression, and i/o please let me know.如果您希望在我处理文件压缩和 i/o 的方式上查看更多代码,请告诉我。

Feel free to mention lossy or other faster or随意提及有损或其他更快或

Sorry for the large amount of information.抱歉信息量很大。

TLDR: Trouble decompressing large number of files in small amount of time using lz4 compression in python, and then writing the decompressed files to another hard drive, utilizing I/0. TLDR:在 python 中使用 lz4 压缩在短时间内解压大量文件,然后利用 I/0 将解压后的文件写入另一个硬盘驱动器时遇到问题。 Some code and exact info above.上面的一些代码和确切信息。 The goal is to be able to decompress all the files and write them to another hard drive in 18 hours, or less.目标是能够在 18 小时或更短的时间内解压缩所有文件并将它们写入另一个硬盘驱动器。


I was able to get compression levels that I was looking for utilizing both the method suggested in the solution.我能够使用解决方案中建议的两种方法获得我正在寻找的压缩级别。 (Much faster read and write times). (更快的读写时间)。 However these worked best using gzip at level 6 compression not lz4.然而,这些在 6 级压缩而不是 lz4 下使用 gzip 效果最好。 I am seeing around a 6:1 compression ratio for the majority of my files.我看到我的大多数文件的压缩比约为 6:1。 The more cores and higher quality your cpu is the better results you will get.您的 cpu 的核心越多,质量越高,您将获得更好的结果。 I have 4 simultaneous depth streams, utilizing a AMD Ryzen 7 5800X processor, any higher compression levels and I started to drop frames.我有 4 个同步深度流,使用 AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 处理器,任何更高的压缩级别,我开始丢帧。 Theoretically if you had more cores you might be able to get better results.理论上,如果你有更多的核心,你可能会得到更好的结果。 I have not tested this though.我还没有测试过这个。 The major bottleneck you will run into will be the speed of your hard disks.您将遇到的主要瓶颈将是硬盘的速度。 If you have the budget I would highly suggest SSD.如果您有预算,我强烈建议您使用 SSD。

Here's a proof of concept as far as using a fixed length header to split up blobs in your file.这是使用固定长度 header 拆分文件中的 blob 的概念证明。 Not sure if this solves all your problems but maybe part.不确定这是否可以解决您所有的问题,但可能是部分问题。

import random
import string
import tempfile
import os

def bytes_generator():
    out = []
    for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)):
    return ''.join(out).encode('utf-8')

def int_to_bytes(x: int) -> bytes:
    return x.to_bytes(INT_BYTE_SIZE, 'big')
def int_from_bytes(xbytes: bytes) -> int:
    return int.from_bytes(xbytes, 'big')

def run():
    filehandle = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    blobs = []
    for i in range(10):
        data = bytes_generator()
        int_bytes = int_to_bytes(len(data))

    # Reset as if just opened
    filehandle.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)

    # Get file legnth
    filehandle.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    file_length = filehandle.tell()

    # Reset for reading
    filehandle.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)

    i = 0
    while filehandle.tell() < file_length:
        data_length = int_from_bytes(filehandle.read(INT_BYTE_SIZE))
        read_data = filehandle.read(data_length)
        assert read_data == blobs[i]
        i += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":

int/byte conversion stolen from Converting int to bytes in Python 3 more or lessConverting int to bytes in Python 3或多或少中窃取 int/byte 转换

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