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[英]Regex first three characters, then only numbers or characters, optionally followed by two digits

I am trying to create a regex that will match first three characters at the beginning, then digits or characters followed by (optionally) one character followed by two digits.我正在尝试创建一个正则表达式,它将在开头匹配前三个字符,然后是数字或字符,后跟(可选)一个字符,后跟两个数字。 The maximum length is 25.最大长度为 25。

BER12345 - match
BER123456A10 - match

My attempt: ^(?=[AZ]{3,25}$)[A-Z0-9]{5,20}[0-9]{0,2]$我的尝试: ^(?=[AZ]{3,25}$)[A-Z0-9]{5,20}[0-9]{0,2]$

This should do the trick:这应该可以解决问题:

(^[AZ]{3}[A-Z0-9]{1,19}[A-Z0-9]\d{2}$)|(^[AZ]{3}[A-Z0-9]{1,22}$) Regex101 (^[AZ]{3}[A-Z0-9]{1,19}[A-Z0-9]\d{2}$)|(^[AZ]{3}[A-Z0-9]{1,22}$)正则表达式101

BER - no match (desn't have digits or chars after begining)
BER456 - match
BER12345 - match
BER123456A10 - match
BER12345678910dasdd123 - no match (lowercase)
BER1234567890123456789123 - match (only numbers) 
BER1234S67890AFF456789123 - match (uppercase) 
BER1234S67890AFF4567891DA - match (with letters at the end) 
BER12345678989A10dasdd123 - no match (lowercase)
BER1234S67890AFF456789123A - no match (max size)
BER1234567890123456789A10AAA123 - no match (max size)

If you want to match the first example above with only 3 chars BER , just change {1,19} and {1,22} to {0,19} and {0,22}如果您想仅使用 3 个字符BER匹配上面的第一个示例,只需将{1,19}{1,22}更改为 {0,19} 和 { {0,19} {0,22}

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