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TYPO3 前端错误:#1476045117 和 TYPO3 前端错误:#1580056272

[英]TYPO3 Frontend Error: #1476045117 and TYPO3 Frontend Error: #1580056272

I am setting up a new TYPO3 Project for my company, this project is based on a previously existing Project, as the customer asked us to take it over.我正在为我的公司设置一个新的 TYPO3 项目,该项目基于以前存在的项目,因为客户要求我们接管它。 So I started with my company's kickstarter to create an empty but working Project.所以我从我公司的 kickstarter 开始创建一个空的但可以工作的项目。 I then started adding the "old" content as well as the extensions used.然后我开始添加“旧”内容以及使用的扩展。 Here I came across a problem: I added the news extension by Georg Ringer via composer and the frontend of the website showed the following Error:在这里我遇到了一个问题:我通过 Composer 添加了 Georg Ringer 的新闻扩展,网站的前端显示以下错误:

(1/1) #1476045117 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Exception\InvalidClassException
Could not find class definition for name "GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\DateTime
This could be caused by a mis-spelling of the class name in the class definition.

I found nothing about this online, checked my entire \ext-folder and didn't find anything related to this.我在网上一无所获,检查了我的整个 \ext-folder 并没有找到与此相关的任何内容。 I un- and reinstalled the news extension via composer but that didn't solve the problem either.我通过 composer 卸载并重新安装了新闻扩展,但这也没有解决问题。 I also have an issue, where I can't use the backend or the command line to flush my caches, so naturally I deleted the var\cache-folder and upon reloading my frontend I was prompted with another Error:我还有一个问题,我不能使用后端或命令行来刷新我的缓存,所以我很自然地删除了 var\cache-folder 并在重新加载我的前端时提示我另一个错误:

(1/1) #1580056272 TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\Generic\Mapper\Exception\NonExistentPropertyException
The type of property GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\NewsDefault::eventStart could not be identified, as property eventStart is unknown to the TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\ClassSchema instance of class GeorgRinger\News\Domain\Model\NewsDefault. Please make sure said property exists and that you cleared all caches to trigger a new build of said TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Reflection\ClassSchema instance

I can still access the install tool as well as the backend.我仍然可以访问安装工具以及后端。 Clearing the cache doesn't change anything and my colleagues advised me to ask the TYPO3 community.清除缓存不会改变任何事情,我的同事建议我询问 TYPO3 社区。 This Project runs on TYPO3 version 10.4.12.该项目在 TYPO3 版本 10.4.12 上运行。 Any and all help is appreciated, thank you.感谢您提供任何和所有帮助,谢谢。 I am still very new to TYPO3, so please bare with me.我对 TYPO3 还是很陌生,所以请与我裸露。

It turns out that there were two rogue DateTime 's hiding in one of the non-composer extensions that were missing the \ before them.事实证明,有两个流氓DateTime隐藏在其中一个缺少它们之前的\的非作曲家扩展中。 I also had to add to my ext_emconf.php the following:我还必须在我的ext_emconf.php中添加以下内容:

'suggests' => [
 'news' => '7.3.0-0.0.0',

Which also fixed the issue of me not being able to clear my cache, and upon reloading my frontend I saw content again.这也解决了我无法清除缓存的问题,并且在重新加载我的前端时,我再次看到了内容。 Thank you everyone on here and Slack for the help!感谢这里的所有人和 Slack 的帮助!

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