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如何使用 Go Google SDK 模拟用户?

[英]How to impersonate user using Go Google SDK?

I have a user which I use to query the Reports API .我有一个用户用来查询报告 API I generated the token and read the credentials using the google.ConfigFromJSON method.我使用google.ConfigFromJSON方法生成了令牌并读取了凭据。

Although, now I need to do the same, but instead of a user, I need to use a service account.虽然,现在我需要做同样的事情,但我需要使用服务帐户而不是用户。 And accordingly to the documentation, I need to impersonate a user as it's not possible to call the API using a service account (correct me if I'm wrong).根据文档,我需要模拟用户,因为无法使用服务帐户调用 API(如果我错了,请纠正我)。

This is what I did to impersonate the user:这是我模拟用户所做的:

impersonatedOption := option.ImpersonateCredentials("user@project.iam.gserviceaccount.com")
credsOption := option.WithCredentialsFile("cert.json")
scopesOption := option.WithScopes(admin.AdminReportsAuditReadonlyScope)

httpClient, _, err := transport.NewHTTPClient(ctx,  scopesOption, credsOption, impersonatedOption)

srv, err := admin.NewService(ctx, option.WithHTTPClient(httpClient))

But no success:但没有成功:

Get "https://admin.googleapis.com/admin/reports/v1/activity/users/all/applications/login?alt=json&eventName=account_disabled_spamming&prettyPrint=false": impersonate: status code 403: 
  "error": {
    "code": 403,
    "message": "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.",
    "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED"

The service account is configured as a SuperAdmin and should have all permissions.服务帐户被配置为超级管理员并且应该拥有所有权限。

I just needed to load the cert, and set the Subject to be able to impersonate the user:我只需要加载证书,并将Subject设置为能够模拟用户:

    config, err := google.JWTConfigFromJSON(b, scope...)
    config.Subject = "impersonated_user@email.com"

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