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检查 kotlin 数据 class 中变量的注释

[英]Check annotation on a variable in kotlin data class

I have to check if a particular variable inside a kotlin data class has an annotation present or not.我必须检查 kotlin 数据 class 中的特定变量是否存在注释。

Annotation class注解class

annotation class Test(
    val identifier: String

Data class数据 class

data class Player(
    val name: String,
    val stance: String,
    val check: String

I have to check if a particular variable inside this player object has the Test annotation present or not.我必须检查此播放器 object 中的特定变量是否存在测试注释。

fun execute(player: Player) {

   //while this works, but i have to check for a specific variable
        val testAnnotation = it.findAnnotation<Test>()
        if(testAnnotation != null) {
            // DO something

I need to do something like


Would appreciate any help here, TIA非常感谢这里的任何帮助,TIA

You should use :: operator to create a member reference您应该使用::运算符来创建成员引用


https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reflection.html#property-references https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reflection.html#property-references

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