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如何测试从服务接收 Observable 的属性值

[英]How to test property values receiving Observable from service

I would like to ask what is the common practice of testing properties which receives data from services inline.我想问一下测试从内联服务接收数据的属性的常见做法是什么。

I am not able to test my property which is being receiving values from service - defined inline.我无法测试从服务定义的内联值接收值的属性。 here is my property这是我的财产

    readonly filters$ = forkJoin({
        institutions: this.dataExtractService.getInstitutions(),
        dataSetTypes: this.dataExtractService.getDataSetTypes()

getInstitutions() and getDataSetTypes() return Observable<string()> getInstitutions()getDataSetTypes()返回Observable<string()>

Here is my spec这是我的规格

    let component: ExtractRetrievalComponent;
    let fixture: ComponentFixture<ExtractRetrievalComponent>;
    let formBuilder: FormBuilder;
    let dataExtractService: DataExtractService;

    beforeEach(() => {
            schemas: [NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA],
            imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],
            declarations: [ExtractRetrievalComponent],
            providers: [
                FormBuilder, DataExtractService
        fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExtractRetrievalComponent);
        component = fixture.componentInstance;

        formBuilder = TestBed.inject(FormBuilder);
        dataExtractService = TestBed.inject(DataExtractService);

    it('should create', () => {

    it('should get filters', (done) => {
        const expectedInstitution = ['expectedInstitutions'] as string[];
        const expectedDataSetType = ['expectedDataSetType'] as string[];
        const expectedFilter = {
            institutions: expectedInstitution,
            dataSetTypes: expectedDataSetType
        spyOn(component.filters$, 'subscribe').and.callThrough();

        spyOn(dataExtractService, 'getInstitutions').and.returnValue(of(expectedInstitution));
        spyOn(dataExtractService, 'getDataSetTypes').and.returnValue(of(expectedDataSetType));

        component.filters$.subscribe(result => {

test is failing with result测试失败,结果

Error: Timeout - Async function did not complete within 5000ms (set by jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL)

I have also incerased the timeout interval with no luck.我也增加了超时间隔,但没有运气。 Any hints?有什么提示吗?

Since the filters$ is an instance variable, the following lines are happening too late:由于filters$是一个实例变量,因此以下几行发生得太晚了:

spyOn(dataExtractService, 'getInstitutions').and.returnValue(of(expectedInstitution));
spyOn(dataExtractService, 'getDataSetTypes').and.returnValue(of(expectedDataSetType));

The first fixture.detectChanges() calls ngOnInit and I think createComponent creates the class and populates the instance variables.第一个 fixture.detectChanges fixture.detectChanges()调用ngOnInit并且我认为createComponent创建 class 并填充实例变量。 For a quick fix, try this:要快速修复,请尝试以下操作:

dataExtractService = TestBed.inject(DataExtractService); // get a handle on dataExtractService
// spy on their methods
spyOn(dataExtractService, 'getInstitutions').and.returnValue(of(expectedInstitution));
spyOn(dataExtractService, 'getDataSetTypes').and.returnValue(of(expectedDataSetType));
// create the component
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExtractRetrievalComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;

formBuilder = TestBed.inject(FormBuilder);
it('should get filters', (done) => {
        const expectedInstitution = ['expectedInstitutions'] as string[];
        const expectedDataSetType = ['expectedDataSetType'] as string[];
        const expectedFilter = {
            institutions: expectedInstitution,
            dataSetTypes: expectedDataSetType
        spyOn(component.filters$, 'subscribe').and.callThrough();

        component.filters$.subscribe(result => {

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