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MySQL8 - 'caching_sha2_password 需要 SSL'

[英]MySQL8 – 'caching_sha2_password requires SSL'

I have changed to Mysql8 on my server.我已在我的服务器上更改为 Mysql8。 I connect to the server through ssh.我通过 ssh 连接到服务器。 With (eg) VScode Database explorer I can use the on the server, but from Python3 with MySQL connector, I don't.使用(例如)VScode 数据库资源管理器,我可以在服务器上使用,但是从带有 MySQL 连接器的 Python3 开始,我没有。

On sever side, 'ssl_disabled=True,' solved the problem, but on my computer, I can not connect to the server's db.在服务器端,“ssl_disabled=True”解决了这个问题,但在我的电脑上,我无法连接到服务器的数据库。

import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import Error

def create_connection():
    connection = None
        connection = mysql.connector.connect(
        print("Connection to MySQL DB successful")
    except Error as e:
        print(f"Error in create_connection -->\n '{e}'")
    return connection


I try to run this and get:我尝试运行它并得到:

 'caching_sha2_password requires SSL'

I solved it, If I use port 3307 instead of 3306, it works from the local machine, too!我解决了,如果我使用端口 3307 而不是 3306,它也可以在本地机器上工作!

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